Ragged Claws

I like your mom. :)

I’m sorry you got taken advantage of. That’s a really terrible feeling. Others in this thread have offered good advice on college admissions, but I did want to say that I’m sorry this happened to you.

Holy cow. Had no idea that was even possible. TIL...

I’ve used BM for about a decade now and I really like it. I try other things but I keep coming back to BM. I have a concealer in trying to use up, but it’s a little too sheer, so I’ve been setting it with the bisque concealer powder. BM was kind of my first grown up make up so maybe that’s why I like it. But I also

It’s a very pretty pallet! I love the greens. I might look for some dupes of those.

My Play and Ipsy haven’t come yet, so no new make up for me. (I resubbed to Ipsy last month when there was no waitlist.)

Thank you! I have so many black eye liners from boxes! With my under eye circles black liner makes me look like I fell on a pair of binoculars. I wish we could get brown liner at least sometimes. Or put that down as a preference when you sign up.

Re: Heat palette

I got Birch box for awhile, Ipsy and Glossybox for a year each, and now I get Play. I now have a lifetime supply of mascara.

Good call! Those things smell atrocious but some people are prone to them. I’m not sure if there are preventative steps for them, but he should at least be checked.

I would respond that I would want to know if my breath was bad. Both because it’s a social thing and could be a sign of problems. Tell him you’re sorry this hurts his feelings, but you’re seriously concerned.

Love this gif! 💖

Need this!

Seinfeld is making me happy these days, so Turkey Kramer. Hey buddy!

I’m intrigued by The Story of Pain, but idk how I would react to it as someone who is in pain all the time. Sometimes I find info like this helpful, other times it makes me feel heartbroken and hopeless.

This info makes me so very happy, and hopeful. Thank you. :)


Not until the indictments start flying.

Same. My house is a wreck because I never feel well enough to clean it. I’m embarrassed having a friend over, much less the damn FBI.

“If she tells me one more story about how three preschoolers can be more chaotic than a hundred and some odd reporters in the White House press office, I’ll even volunteer to babysit.”