Ragged Claws

Holy crap. I’m glad you dodged those bullets. I’d be done with online dating too in you shoes.

Posted earlier, but I’m going to Barbados with my best friend in September! I’m so excited! It was a surprise trip and she found the flight and the hostel then sprang it on me. Still not sure it’s real!

Seconding the milkshakes. That’s all I had for the week after my surgery and it helped a lot. I was also given a combo of Demerol and phenergan so I don’t remember much else, but at least I wasn’t in pain.

That sounds like an amazing trip! Thanks for sharing your photos, they’re beautiful! And I love your hedgie patch. :)

I think it might be too much with the color of your floors, unless you’ll be using an area rug. Maybe go one up in the paint chip and see how you like it.

My advice is invest in good packing tape. The cheap shit will just fill your life with misery and woe, and you have enough of that while packing to move.

Anyone here been to Barbados? My best friend and I are going in September, so I’m looking for recommendations, tips, etc. Any must sees, must dos, and most importantly, must eats?

This exactly. We look at what our stocks do every few months, because it’s the long game that matters here. Banking on crazy high growth long term probably won’t work out for them, but it’s not up to you to explain that to people who don’t want to hear it.

True. I was a bit unclear. I know Enron was massive fraud, but I fear the corporate culture that enabled that fraud making a comeback under Trump and his pro-business, fuck everything else banner.

And if it did, the likelihood of him sustaining that type of growth long term is pretty much impossible.

SMH. The movie Smartest Guys in the Room is so good, and makes it understandable for people like myself who aren’t well versed in high finance. But if the interest isn’t there not much you can do.

I understand. Trying to fight every battle with some people with just land you in a rubber room.

That would be brilliant! But I do understand having to bite your tongue. That’s me and half my family right now.

Man, fuck Tylenol. That stuff does nothing. And I’m really sorry they treated you shitty over needing pain meds. I’ve been there and it’s a terrible feeling.

I do and I’m am cringing for you! How awful! Many hugs and tubes of soothing cream to you!

Then we can put Trump in a crate and have him guarded by Top Men. :)

Huh, ours dropped by $2k in the last week. But your point stands. The economy has been improving steadily the last few years because of the recovery. With Trump in office I’m afraid the soulless traders that typified Enron are going to run amuck until we end up with another bust, then everyone will be fucked. Stocks

Oh damn! Did they give you pain meds? Shingles can be very painful, so ask for them if you need them. Take care, and I hope you’re on the mend soon.

I always go with chronic, severe hemorrhoids. Judging by how he sits, my nefarious mind rays are working.