Ragged Claws

Yeah, these are normally not my kind of movie. But this one looks really good. And if there are only two others to get caught up on...

So the cake balm? Totally not that sparkly. More shimmery, but I really couldn’t tell a difference between that and your average lip balm. Not a glitter bomb at all. So if you’re wanting something subtle and cakey give it a try. The cake smell btw is awesome! But not overpowering. And the texture of the balm is great.

That’s a good suggestion. We bought our house in January. The guy we bought from had been elected as DA in a neighboring county the previous November and had a deadline to move to said county. Plus very few people house hunt in the winter so there was no competition.

Seems like the first thing to clear up is anything he has in collections. If they’re in error he can dispute them on his credit report. If he does owe the money he can talk to the agency and offer a flat amount to settle the debt and see if they take it. If it’s medical debt check your state laws and see if falls off

Fucking THIS!!

Will do! It looks more shimmery than super sparkly, but we’ll see how it looks irl.

So. Much. Porfessional. I liked my box otherwise, but that sample is going in a drawer.

I finally bought something from Glossier. They came out with a Birthday Cake scent/flavor of Balm Dot Com and I had to have it. I had a Vanilla Frosting gloss from Lip Smackers in HS and it smelled so good! I can’t find it anymore, so I hope this will be a nice replacement. I also bought a Generation G lipstick to get

There would be so many entries to sift through.

I’d like to go just because I never went as a kid. My husband went when he was 8 and it’s one of the best memories from his childhood, so I would like to enjoy that with him as well. I think a lot of it is nostalgia and wanting to go because they’ve heard about it so much.

But somehow they’re going to fix it! Without knowing what causes it. Great plan dipshits.

Same shit happened with Sarah Palin. Way too many people are distracted by a mildly attractive package.

Jenny Trout’s recaps can’t be plugged enough! They’re funny and get to why exactly the books are so horrible.

Thank you for the information! I’ve never even heard of ferritin. And you know how drs can be cagey about showing you the actual results, but I’ll ask and keep asking until I get them. I use the Bite lip mask at night and it’s great, but too heavy for the day. I bought two tubes of the paw paw ointment to replace the

Huh. Thanks for the suggestion! My lips have been perma-chapped for so long. Lucas Paw Paw ointment has helped a lot, but I lost my tube and now they’re dried up again. I have probably 50 other lip balms I’ve tried that help for a bit but an hour later my lips are parched again. I have a physical in august and will be

I have a friend who keeps inviting me to lay out and I keep saying no. And I’ve told her why. It’s hot. It’s bright, which kills my migraines even with sunglasses and a hat. I’ve had a second degree sunburn and have a family history of skin cancer. Did I mention it’s fucking hot? I know she’s trying to be polite, but

I stand duly corrected. ;)

I guess someone else was playing with the Flintstone Phone.

Beige sheath dress, of course. She’s like a cartoon character. She has one outfit and it’s a beige sheath dress.

I’ll check them out too! Thanks!