
We don’t do Friends of Scouting in my part of the world. Where does FoS money end up (Council, District, National)?

I’m a Pack Master* who is converting my Pack to start accepting girls in the next few weeks. I have really enjoyed my time working with the kids in my Pack. Our Pack does two camping trips each year. We had a visit from a Raptor Rescue organization in November. One of our Dens did a visit to a wildlife sanctuary that

Counterpoint: People like me, who have continued to be active in Scouting, are working to free the organization from the clutches of the religious right. We told the organization that it should reconsider its views on LGBTQ membership and the leadership listened to us and has been adopting more mainstream political

It’s not going to be that big of a financial hit. The BSA gets no revenue from its association with the Mormon church. The organization will need to work on growing its membership in Utah, but honestly, it needs to be doing that everywhere. Enrollment has been dropping for years.

I think some of it is probably regional. I run a Pack in Colorado, and the BSA in this part of the world is really focused on outdoor activities, conservation, and public service. So we don’t see a lot of teasing directed at our Scouts for their membership. I also know that there are certain benefits from being an

This is consistent with the Burpee as invented by Royal H. Burpee.

Your rules are Reformed Burpee Rules. I only subscribe to the Orthodox Rules.

There’s a painting in an attic somewhere that looks younger every time she lies.

Small museum? You mean one with fewer resources? That’s what I’d expect. They don’t have the resources to hire a full time person to investigate the provenance of each painting. Doing so is probably a nontrivial task. Hiring an outsider is going to be expensive. And that makes them an easy mark for a forger with

Maybe not. We lawyers provide most of the judges in this country. We’re also really good at guild protection. That’s why we created the “litigation privilege.” This tricky legal device makes us immune from being sued for defamation if our statements are related to litigation.

I was up until 2 a.m. yesterday. I meant to get to sleep earlier, but I had just rolled into the section where Atreus gets sick, and then I went home and got the Blades of Chaos, and then it was like—“Fuck it. I’m climbing in the hand basket and we’re going to Hel.”

Tennessee v. Garner. It’s literally the case on use of deadly force. Thou shalt not shoot fleeing suspects, unless they’re an immediate danger to the population at large. This is just idiotic.

Hey! Boy! Yeah, you there! Turn down that music! Get a haircut! And get off my lawn! Because you are not ready!

* Any other person.

Can you name any other person in this country who has been the subject of a sustained character assassination like Hillary Clinton? I can’t. Since I was in high school, conservative media has gone out of its way to tear her down.


If it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey.

Traditionally (according to scholars) there are four goals of the prison system: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. In this country, we no longer pretend that rehabilitation is one of those goals. It’s all about incapacitation, deterrence, and retribution. And, when you look at the 13th

He may be an advisory witness. I think they’re an exception to the ordinary sequestration rules. We don’t see them in civil litigation much, but from what I understand an investigating officer is often so designated. It’s like when a corporate client gets to designate a representative to sit at council table.

It’s actually a holdover from law school. Lots of old treatises and hornbooks will discuss legal principles where you have Peter Plaintiff v. David Defendant, or Samuel Seller v. Billy Buyer used to illustrate how legal rules work.