I’m kind of curious how large they go. My big kid might need a pair.
I’m kind of curious how large they go. My big kid might need a pair.
I must have these.
Wait. So you’re saying that I haven’t discovered a unique and new sociological phenomenon?
Woah. Hold on. You can’t be doing that.
Batson v. Kentucky. Jury duty is a civil right. They cannot discriminate against potential jurors based on race, gender, or any other status.
I’m one of the ones who asks people not to call me “sir.”
Trial lawyer here too.
Let’s not blame this on nature, shall we?
Hello Kitty bandaids. Seriously. If you go to his art station page, you can see all the layers....
1) It’s illegal for the police to shoot at a fleeing suspect unless they have reason to believe the suspect is a danger to others.
You mean the personal responsibility that comes with deciding to a) carry a handgun; b) point that handgun at someone else; and c) pull the trigger?
You mean like being an apologist for pedophilia and blaming the victims of statutory rape? You seemed to be okay with R. Kelly’s involvement with America’s daughters, so . . . .
Photoshop artifact.
Properly employed, silence can be powerful. The trick is to take your time and let it fill the space.
If you cannot rely on self-reported data, how can you ever study a phenomenon like pain? Pain doesn’t show up on imaging studies. The only way to get data on someone’s experience of pain is to ask them for it. And at that point, you’re dealing with self reported data...
West. Of. Loathing.
A Denver cop’s family got $3.5M from the city after he was killed by another cop.
Insurance. Most police departments carry a bunch for “civil rights violations.”
It is probably a Rule 35 examination (or the California equivalent). Under the Federal Rules, and in many states that mimic them, when a party’s mental or physical condition is at issue, the courts can order that the other side gets to do an exam with their own doctor. The idea is that if you’re claiming that you…