
I myself am black. Look, can we at the very least talk about it over mic? Please? I deserve this, I know. I’m just curious whether you wanna permamently ruin my life. An eye for an eye, right? Well, I haven’t permamently ruined anyone’s life.

I can’t tell you how sorry I am for all the hurt I have caused. I deserve some repurcissions, definitely. Look, can we talk about this and resolve this? Over mic if possible. I can show I’m not a coward that only hides behind comments on the interet.

THERES OTHER REPERCUSSIONS OTHER THAN RUINING MY LIFE FOREVVER FOR FUCKS SAKE. Don’t do this to me...i’m begging you. anything other than fucking my life up forever

THERES OTHER REPERCUSSIONS OTHER THAN RUINING MY LIFE FOREVVER FOR FUCKS SAKE. Don’t do this to me, redwriter...i’m begging you. anything other than fucking my life up forever

Red this is too much. think about it. do u really wanna permamentlly ruin my chances of getting a job`??? ruin my reputation? for fuck’s sake, i’m begging you from the depths of my heart. FUCK I’m so sorry red just remove them , please. just please

NO what YOU are doing is fucking ridiculous, this shit is way ruthless cuz it will ruin my chances YEARS form now!!! i havent literally hurt anyone, sure i was annoying and im sorry for all of that. BUT THIS? this is too far please man, i beg you redwriter... .i’ll leave and never return

remove this now please, i’m so so sorry for everythiong i’ve done i can’t deal with this in my life rn this will affect me in the futture. please remove everything with my name on it and remove ur account. im begging you man, i’ll do whateer you want. PLEASE remove all your posts bro, this shit will be really bad for

YO REMOVE THIS NOW please please what ur doing is waaaay too far!!! this could affect me 5 years in the future when im looking for a job! just remove this, please i’ll stop immediatelt and never return just remove this redwriter i fucking BEG you. this is just too far

Democrat feminist values at work.

Are you seriously fucking kidding me right now? I tried being real with you and you just tried to fucking dox me... What does that say about you huh ? This is what I mean. I try to be good yet you fucks keep bringing me back to my old ways. Who ARE you? Tell me the truth you fucking coward.

I hate myself so much. Getting up in the morning is such a drag. I stay in bed all day and feel guilty over it. My friends have abandoned me. As for my family, they just can’t put up with my apathy any longer. I’ll be the first one to admit that I have a serious problem with trolling on the internet.