
Everyone here (well, ungreyed) has some serious troll fever. I don’t know WHAT is going on, but I have to confess that watching the holier-than-thou ungreyed losing their minds over someone named lori, lorni...I’m not sure, is - well - kinda funny.

Damn, that dress was made just for her. She is a Goddess. I love her.

Whites are fucking relentless when their fee-fees get hurt.

Couldn’t have said it better.

Just say you don’t like black people. Why hide on the internet?

You’ve graduated to stage 2.

+1 on the European Americans

And they’re even worse because they know that it is wrong, but find too much pleasure in their privilege to exert “power” over others.

Whites literally can not live without agitating black people, it is hardwired in their DNA.

Dak is a supreme troll himself, why wouldn’t he. He most likely created burners so he’s basically bumping himself out of the greys to troll and not take the blame.

Aww, poor baby ;(

He’s just another contrarian troll. I’ve seen through his shit for years.

You won’t convince Stig-a-troll-us of the benefits of gun control. He’s a gun nut.

As is your reply to the OP.

Fuck your parents

Disgusting human beings.

Just say you don’t like black people, why hide behind all those words?

Go fuck yourself with a jar of mayonnaise.


He was really enjoying all those bombs bursting in the air.