I don’t disagree, but I squarely put the blame where it belongs.
I don’t disagree, but I squarely put the blame where it belongs.
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? made learning about the countries of the world thrilling and fun when it was…
A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.
Fuck you for unwittingly starting the trend of naming kids “Wokebae.”
He can read his name and shit.
Red9 in Resident Evil 4, anybody? That powerhouse of a mauser saw me through my second playthrough without any other weapons except as absolutely necessary, and it melted everything it came across. It helped that it had heaps of ammo available, huge knockback, and minimal kick, even without the stock.
Sorry. I can’t “recommend” a GIF using that caption that doesn’t feature a member of the Bluth family.
Apparently you can take the sky from me....
Track: Captain Vegetable | Artist: Captain Vegetable with Eddie and Andy | Album: Sesame Street: Songs from the Street, Vol. 3
I love hearing stories about this because they contrast so sharply with my thrift store experiences. I always manage to find just like...20 copies of Madden/NHL/whatever and then maybe like GTA3. I’ve watched videos of people finding $3 CIB copies of Wolfenstein 3d and stuff, and I’m just hopping into a Goodwill and…
What exactly are you talking about? What exactly is your problem with it? It’s a perfectly fine game. The guys have fixed a ton of bugs in it since it first started, and they are continuing to do more as I write this. Soon, we are going to get FREE content for the game, including new maps, and who knows what else?…
I looked it up on PorhHub and ... well, just don’t do that.
The “deep state spear” is Newt’s biggest fear and the terror that keeps him up at night: A big ol’ gay liberal dong that thrusts deep into the ‘Murican dream and pumps it full of rainbows and compassion. Oh! And the dong is black, and thinks that women should be allowed to vote.
This Kathy Griffin situation has had me seething and is a prime example of why I’m hesitant to identify as a liberal/Democrat despite my politics aligning with them.
Completely disagree. I hate to be the person that says “you’re playing it wrong”, but when you’re playing a cooperative multiplayer game and you try and lone wolf it...
The counselors are supposed to cooperate, their are even radios to help with this. Running into Jason is not an instadeath, their are multitudes of…
I just don’t think Quilted Northern’s subliminal viral marketing campaign is going as planned.
You think the Trump people are competent enough to pull something like that off?
why does this sound like the most convenient right-wing planted story ever? a black journalist who made up sources and quotes who’s also been threatening JCCs?! did he also participate in spirit cooking with Russian abortionists?