
After watching this the first episode, I feel like I should be reading this book. Is the book worth a good read? I've never read anything by Robert Kirkman

These would be cooler if I could zip them up in my jacket. I'm not sure how'd that would work, but it be a helluva way to keep keep the cord out of the way and not getting snagged on things.

@Fase: But they aren't really Soviet anymore, hence they change.

In Mother Russia, cities don't have pollution. Pollution has cities.

Kind of neat, but I doubt any of the children or their parents would have any idea how to get candy out.

My questions is, won't this fine just be passed on to consumers, so their rates will go up anyway? I doubt Verizon just has 25 million laying around to pay fines when they're already 15 million in the hole to their customers.

I'm still holding out for 2D glasses.


Now that is the AMERRRICAN way to carve pumpkins!

@bonneyt: The fact that there are sequels. Avatar looked neat, but the acting and story were sub par IMO, and it's doubtful that it will get better.

I just have one thing to say...WHY?!

@elementary: I see what you mean. Perhaps my expectations were too high, knowing that it was a bot ahead of time.

@elementary: I can see that. Perhaps my expectations where too high.

While it's better that a lot of chatbots I've seen, it didn't really convince me it was a human, maybe I just didn't do it right, but I asked it for it's favorite book and it said LOTR, but when asked about it's favorite character it's reply was less than human.

Actually modern bombs don't tick they buzz, but 9 time out of 10 it's a dildo.

The people CNN finds my from state (Arkansas) to quote never ceases to amaze me.

@astroboy888: I mean inside a business, like a restaurant for example, I know is most states, perhaps not California, but it is against the law to smoke in a business or restaurant. In my state it's only legal to smoke in a restaurant if no one under 21 is allowed.

@atrus123: It should be taxed an regulated, but I fear it getting into hands of large corporations where they dilute and mix chemicals in with it like tobacco.

I don't know shit about Hong Kong or whoever it is that does these animated videos, but I hope they're not a reputable news source for people. This is absolutely ridiculous if it's legalized you couldn't smoke it indoors, like at a Denny's and I feel it would be treated like alcohol, not for use while operating a

@SkipErnst: if only I was that clever. I enjoyed your pun.