
@Yeah!: cuz this has 12, and MOAR is better! duh!!

Sometimes famous people just shouldn't open their mouth if they're going to make outrageous claims.

@sbunny: I hate all the facebook app invites, they make me die a little bit inside.

@sbunny: I refuse to acknowledge that Farmville exists. I've never played it or even seen anything other than screen grabs, and I feel like I'm a better person for that.

@Newestname: that carpet is radical. I want some for my apartment.

@ChaosCon: I'm holding out for the the Head in a Jar thing from Futurama.

Who knew snails were such expert water tree climbers?

I could see this filling a niche, some people like ads, I could see Ad companies looking at this and seeing what their competitors are doing, but it's definitely not a general public mass download app, but it could have it's uses.

At least they're holding it properly.

I really just hope this shows Apple that how a product looks, shouldn't supersede how it functions, because even though it does look very good, it'll look worse now because YOU'LL have to cover it up.

For such an awesome laser, this video is very anti-climatic.

@FЯeeMan: The should try to improve a products, I'm aware google wasn't the first search engine, but they're products like Orkut and Buzz are just lacking something, and my hopes aren't very high for this "Google Me" They've never been revolutionary at Social Media like they were for search engines.

Google just needs to let sleeping dogs lie. They have Orkut, and it's pretty lame, Buzz is pretty crappy. They're trying to jump into places where there is already a clear number one thing, and just fighting an up hill battle like it's going out of style.

@numo16: I'm not familiar with that.

They should've just made alcoholic Jell-O, cuz that's what the picks made me think of and I'd be more prone to buy that. Or could've just gone the Always Sunny in Philadelphia route and made Wine in a Can.

@mecha2142: I've seen some pretty expensive "ripped jeans" they're very trendy and come with a very untrendy pricetag

Like the people on SciFiWire, I have some serious concerns about the blade colors.