Jacques Uisce-Beatha

By the way, it was Aldrick Robinson, not Taylor Gabriel, who got past Butler on that route.

Hamud’s katar and the lore around it was the first time I felt like I was earning my paycheck as a game designer. I’d only been around a couple of months. The Hollow Weapons were a lot of fun — my buddy, who had more of a systems design focus, came up with an idea for weapons that could punch through magic armor, and

I worked on AC for a number of years. I haven’t logged on in probably six or seven years, but it is quite devastating to see it go. Like saying goodbye to my 20s all in one fell swoop. I was hoping to run my son through some of the quests I’d made.

Looks like that was an admin client. Which makes me wonder who made the video... there are not many admins left.

They got New Hampshire wrong. Effingham is pretty prosaic compared to famous-every-four-years Dixville Notch.

This POS still owes us employees three weeks of back pay plus the money they plundered from the flex savings accounts. If he runs for office I hope you guys beat him like a rented mule and I will gladly talk shit about him until he shuffles back under his bridge.