
Pence, a well recognized lover of foreigners, modern fantasy, and youth interests…

A few of the Alien movies I feel more or less confirm your theory. I think all but the first one and Prometheus have lines implying or straight-up saying it was fully intentional, and Prometheus both shows a modicum of intent and hints that they should have known before they sent the crew in the first movie.

Wasn't he the only one to die in his last episode? Unless you believe the Prophets (who, you know, controlled his mother to get him born, then dumped her) have his best interests at heart and are just going to pop him back to life when they're through lecturing him for not listening in a previous episode.

It's up there, but Animatronic Mojo brings up 2 worse offenses. Red goop that causes black holes but is totally fine until it hits solid matter is probably the most jarring ejection from suspension of disbelief I've experienced in Star Trek. Khan's miracle blood is a distant second, not because of the impossible

I'm ok with Beastie Boys or stoned exobiologists. Both of these, even if a bit off-the-wall, are at least plausible.

Unobtanium predates upsidasium by a few years (being used by US aircraft engineers as a joking reference to Russian-controlled titanium). Both are humorous descriptive names - unobtanium is an "unobtainable" plot device, upsidasium acts against gravity (going "upsy-daisy"), and the practice of adding -ium to a name to

Being an American does not make you any less capable of leveling claims of excessive nationalism. If you think there is a country that lacks a subset that goes overboard with shows of nationalism, you're completely blind to the world beyond your borders.

I've seen the two used interchangeably. I believe it's language from a 1982 ruling, though I don't recall the case I saw referenced as precedent.

One of them is losing their shirt on this deal.

Nothing will enter the public domain due to age until 2019. The copyright law changes in 1978 and 1998 extended copyrights to death of author + 70 years retroactively. If you're outside the US, watch out for the TPP, as it's trying to push the same copyright restrictions on you as well.

The critical difference is that Axanar is being used as a showpiece project by a studio trying to enter the market. Advertising using someone else's IP is the same as directly making money using their IP.

Insurrection is what you get when you let an episode writers have control over a movie franchise. There were similar continuity and character problems in the series, but that one was special because the screen was larger and it was over twice as long.

That was Viacom in the 90's, but as others have pointed out, they seem to have learned their lesson. This one's legitimate infringement.

It would serve them right, then.

It may be hard to imagine, but it actually comes up more often than you might think. "Total concept and feel" is more common, but both were meant to refer to the aspects of a work that can't be specified in a few words. You more often see it when someone copies a copyrighted work but changes all the specific names and

The legal department is well funded, the writing department gets uncooked Spam and 10 minutes access to the microwave for employee appreciation day.

An evil empire maintains order and usually takes care of the people it's oppressing. Upstart rebels don't plan for that sort of thing. Stick with your friendly, neighborhood galactic conquerors.

I can't speak to if he knows the correct phrase, but if not, it would be the first I've seen do that unintentionally. "Defecation of character" a common twist of the phrase, tying "defamation of character" to "taking a dump on" something. Like most of these sorts of twists, it's intended to make a common bad thing

Vocal talents from years of practice yelling at the television as continuity errors appeared.