he was never Hootie! The band came from two friends (one was Hootie and the other The Blowfiish )
he was never Hootie! The band came from two friends (one was Hootie and the other The Blowfiish )
Because most of the time Empire News or National Report don't even put in the effort of making a joke like "Dies/dyes." Most of the time it's just straight up bullshit written as if it were real news with a tiny disclaimer that of course gets cut off when the bullshit is presented on FaceBook.
In general, the money is punitive damaes, and Lawrence does not need the money. You're right, she could do whatever she wants with it, but it would be a nice idea.
Except that they often don't. Check out Snopes - there is a ton of crap coming out of these sites that people believe.
She really needs to get the message out to parents. When I was a kid, and I basically lived at comic stores on weekends, my folks would have freaked out that a comic store would do this.
That's not satire. It's trolling.
You rock, Lindy.
I hate Empire News, National Report, etc and other sites who just publish unfunny lies under the banner of "satire." Satire does not mean just making shit up.
yeah, the only other thing I saw him in was Lars And The Real Girl and that was before. Who knows?
I might have to watch. Rosie Perez *is* the 90s for me.
I think the idea was that Ann would be the Judd Hirsch on Taxi/Andy Travis on WkRP "normal" anchor but they changed their mind.
not exactly, but I did get Jerry on a Buzzfeed quiz.
The thing about Toby is that it was all so centered around Michael's almost maniacal hatred for him with no actual reason. Of course, it then turned out that Toby was a bit of a drip.
god olyphant was so good in that role.
I also find that Jim was... Kind of a bully? I mean Dwight's weird, no doubt, but the pranking is too much. It's interesting that if you watch early Parks and Rec that it was so clear that they were trying to make Brandanowitz the Jim but it didn't work because Paul Schneider played him as so unlikeable.
it's such an old sitcom cliche.
I also feel that Tom is just way too over the top. I don't know, it's a weird balance.
J Law should donate some of what she gets from suing these cretins to each of these charities.
They're nude all the time!