
They already do this in international markets, with adult-oriented content filed under a category hub named Star.

I believe it's called a "cloaca".

I had to doublecheck the quote because that isn’t actual English and I was assuming that the problem was shitty AV Club writing rather than Jennifer Lee having a stroke so I quickly Googled it and found another site giving a more probable quote. Just to be sure, I went to Youtube and found a video of her introduction

“How to deal with these star upon which so many of our beloved characters wish come true?” she asked.

Ah, yes. Judging a show that ran for 130+ episodes on a few minutes seems like valid criticism. 

“Well if we evolved from monkeys, then how come we still got monkeys? Checkmate!” 

Aww, you were offended by the article and now you’re here to play victim in the comments.

Is she going through a British phase like Madonna did?

I hate that old chestnut. When I was in my 20s I had a Rush Limbaugh-listening, Tucker Carlson spouting boss who trotted that out all the time. “When you’re an adult, you’ll get it and you’ll vote Republican,” he would say. And I would remind him that all four of my grandparents—including grandfathers who were a

Centralized power generation is easier to convert to more environmentally friendly forms than addressing the problem at the level of every individual car, unless you’re suggesting busses should be powered by portable hydroelectric plants.

I mean Hollywood is run by corporations that are largely run by Republicans, but sure...

The set up of the joke is about the indignity black actors of that era having to endure bullshit like that just to find work.

idk I think she is speaking broadly about pay gap, her career just happens to be in Hollywood. Ultimately, liberal or republican, it’s capitalism that wants to keep the patriarchy intact. But I don’t doubt a lot of movie executives and producers are republican.

I think the other post is about the Two Black Swans episode and it’s was a pretty consistent characterization that Jenna was a terrible, insensitive person. This one is even more layered as a joke considering the Amos & Andy Show was a real thing and one of the most popular TV shows of it’s time. The set up of the

Or, fuck you asshole. 

But like a lot of shows that got unfairly pulled, they did Blackface literally for the joke that it was thoughtless and insensitive and wrong.   Its at least not as bad as Community having what may be its best episode pulled because of a Drow joke

“Calls Senate candidate J.D. Vance a “rich twat....I mean, I’m a rich twat, but I’m not running for office pretending that I’m not.””

It’s imperfect, but by FAR the best of the Sequel Trilogy. It was unexpected, beautiful, frustrating, thrilling, and, you know, we’re still talking about it. When was the last time anyone mentioned Rise of the Skywalker or whatever the fuck?

I don’t think dislike is the correct term. It’s just that, stacked up against the first two entries (and now, Fury Road), it does pale in comparison.

I’m really getting tired of pretending Evangelical Christians are just normal people and not members of a fascist theocratic death cult