Wow, just wow... does this mean we’ll have to open a new chapter of Darwin Awards for game studios now?
Wow, just wow... does this mean we’ll have to open a new chapter of Darwin Awards for game studios now?
Nine minutes and change is too long for an explainer video?
That Incest Show is probably somebodies fanfic
That 80s Show didn’t. Nearly every punchline was “weren’t the 80s wacky?!” Every character was an 80s stereotype.
Like when evidence came about about the Roman Catholic Church we didn’t hear Stephen Colbert act like these allegations are ludicrous.
Not Colbert, but for hundreds of years it was like that. Inquisitions; auto de fe; Scientology is a newer cult. Christian is the default as well. The sins of their religions are similar though
Let’s just say, the offer to appear as Professor X again moved him... TO A BIGGER HOUSE! (O0ps! I said the quiet part loud, and the loud part quiet...)
Boy, this sure would have been a lot more fun to see in the movie for the first time instead of a news headline. I don’t blame you for reporting on it - it’s pop culture news, of course you should report on it! - but was it really necessary to spell it out in the headline? Couldn’t have been a -tad- more coy?
Ignore most of the replies here, yours is a completely valid reaction.
How do you know it didn’t make it a worse experience?
I still think there’s some expectation of not casually ruining people’s surprise.
I’d tell you if Kinja had some kind of spoiler tags that hide spoilers in posts unless you click on them, but it doesn’t seem to. I don’t want to drop the info here for everyone to see. It’s not hard to find on twitter though.
Yes, as you can see from my other comments I am extremely upset and feel very passionate about this. Oh, grrr, so angry. Please, fight me.
I love title spoilers. Love them. They remind me why I should stop reading this website.
Wait... what!?!
All right, fine. Whatever. My minute stores of caring have already been depleted.
I’m not usually one to complain about spoiler culture and hey, (Canadian) Marvel put that footage out there, so report away, but that headline is pretty egregious, no?
you think he masturbates with mind or that hand?
This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.
Not a bad idea. Florida Man has great brand visibility.