Well, she’s Russian.
Well, she’s Russian.
People only talk about Crystal Skull because there’s a new movie coming up. If that wasn’t the case, most of us would prefer to forget that trainwreck of a movie.
To me, the biggest Westworld mystery is why half the commenters in the AV Club write “Delores” instead of Dolores.
Yeah, but if you look at any interview with independent, non-corporate comics creators, the most repeated concept is always “collaborative”. Granted, I’m talking about writer/artist team projects, but nonetheless, creator-owned comics.
Can you take me out of the greys? This system is absurd, it’s like I’m commenting but nobody ever will see what I’m writing. What’s the point? I’m banned by default.
“Mostly just shock value” = Mark Millar’s entire career.
Isola, Coda, A walk through hell (there is only two or three issues of each, but they’re very promising), Deadly Class (my favorite ongoing), Extremity (interesting limited series).
Fallout 4 works great in 3rd person. Either way, you can change easily from 3rd person when you’re exploring, to 1st when you’re shooting, if you want. That is the best option, IMHO.
You can use 3rd person on Fallout and TES. In fact, both of those use what I think is the best option, you can move the camera around as far or close as you want, from full 3rd person, to just over the shoulder to 1st person. I was expecting that from Cyberpunk, so I’m a little disappointed. 1st person kills immersion…
Killmonger was raised as an American soldier, his plan is to export war from Wakanda to the world because that’s the only way of ruling he knows.
How do you pronounce it? In spanish is ha (as in ha-ha)-seen-toh.
Character designs are pretty weak too.
I don’t give a damn if the star of this movie is Wahlberg or a lamp post, if it’s written and directed by Damian Szifron, I’m in.
It’s from a TED talk. He seems to be very proud of the mystery box concept.
Z Gundam is the best Gundam.
He’s white and Mexican. He has pale skin and blue eyes and was born in Mexico.
Wow, why so much hate for Sons of anarchy/Kurt Sutter? Is this an Av club thing? I think the last seasons were weak, but this seems too much.
Isn’t this season 20 episodes long? I don’t think this is a midway point, merely the end of the first arc (of four).
So, like the modern era Simpsons.