My experience was similar but...
My experience was similar but...
Oh, okay. I was referring to "This Season"; i.e. Freshman shows.
Not sure your point as none of them are Superhero, fairytale, or genre. One is Cable, one is foreign (gotta love the British content) and one just lost it's show runner and several of the key behind the scenes people. AND, has lost one of it's central cast.
To be sure, Heroes died in the final episode of the first season when all the "heroes" came together and nothing fucking happened. Heroes did a "LOST", except they showed their hand in that moment, literally saying "we like connectivity, but other than that, we got nuffin'" The Cape was only last year. NOF was the…
Indeed she did, which is another reason why some are concerned that Arrow is little more than a backdoor Batman series with Arrows instead of Batarangs (it's also notable that during Smallville, DC had expressly forbidden the use of WW or Batman in anyway. One would imagine the same restrictions apply for Arrow,…
Well, Ollie Queen/Green Arrow is a different animal to Bruce Wayne/Batman. Where Batman could be oh-too easily be described in fascistic terms, Green Arrow is far more along the hippie scale. Those who read the Green Arrow have expressed concern that the Arrow show is far too close to a version of specifically the…
Enjoying the episode (and Arrow in general) aside, I do feel that in hindsight, this is one of the episodes one could point to as being heavily Batman derivitive (I didn't, and don't necessarily, dislike that they have similar structures to the Nolanverse, but I was hoping that Arrow would break away more, and become…
I think you better look up the word "irretrievably", dude. Most of these have to do with a character's appearance in the timeline, in the same way Howard Stark's appearance in Capt. America is discontinuous with Iron Man. Has this harmed a) the Iron Man franchise or b) the unification of the characters in Avengers?
Mr. Abrams likes to make his characters needlessly suffer... it's nice he acknowledges the Enterprise as a character... by making it suffer too! :)
Are we talkin' Guinnes IN Ireland or the weeks old shit you get in the States? Have you tried any other Stout, such as Beamish? The best way to consume guinness; in my mother's christmas pudding... bring on the x-mas!
Time FROM the Well to Golds, hugs and "True love" kisses, Emma's "what's inside me", and brunch at Grannies TO the ship appearing.
Cora was not shown to be too stupid. She asked a clarifying question. Clearly, as she was aware of a) the compass, b) who had the compass, c) where the compass was, she was aware of the giants and their beans. The question asked was for the benefit of the audience.
I had a conversation about this with another commentor... perhaps you can help. Can you point to the WW issue in which Themyscira is a barren wasteland? JMS's new version has the Amazons routed from the island to be sure, but where is it in the canon that Themyscira is anything but a paradise and a hodgepodge of…
I have no idea what this is or to expect... oh, more please.
"Dating is hard." To be made worse through the use of these. Even at ComicCon, these would be cheesy. But, I will acquiese as we do need our daily quotent of lists.
Sloppy storytelling, indeed. Hell, the pirate ship moment, while playing to the shortsighted ain't it cool crowd, diminishes and devalues the whole quest to get the wardrobe ashes and the compass. If there was another way, which could be completed in the space of hours, why was there such an either/or thing going on?
Please direct me to the article in the past six months (for example) which was more loathing than liking. Or the article which was equal loathing/liking. Or, an article which was 25 % loathing to 75% liking. OR, an article with was 10% loathing to 90% liking. (Something other than the previously mentioned B&tB article)
I'd say any television season. I remember the week after week glowing reports about Heroes, NOF, the Cape, to name but three (Although I will add they did a bitter-sweet WTF article about Heroes, only AFTER the finale episode). I was just giving this being the most recent of examples.
The site's version of mockery is silence. This year, the shows they don't like don't get covered. 666 and B&tB don't get covered while the shows which they do like, such as Revolution and Last Resort, get weekly articles expressing how wonderful they are. They will say "A could be improved, but did you see X, Y, and…
Picking on the Little Guy... because you don't pick on the big guy. With the exception (to the rule) of the last (first?) B&tB piece, the vast, Vast, VAST majority of the articles are gushing with praise and wonderment. That's your bag, fair enough, just don't paint yourself as being critical when ya ain't.