
Not really, they explained that while they were working on power generation they developed a system which nullifies power. That great. How? And how did it come to be applied to the world? And how is it a constant effect (preventing all new tech from being created) and not a one shot, like an EMP? And how do the

The whole hallucination/flashback/personal reveal episodes work when there's something to reveal. Unfortunately, Revolution isn't that sort of story (I use the word loosely). It's a single, incredibly narrow path through what should be a very interesting world. The questionable science aside (let's hope there's an

No love for Planetary... for shame! Cassaday's art and Ellis' love affair with the genre. No one gets all the references, but there's enough obvious ones to get the non-comic reader intrigued... and then, of course, there's the arc.

Unless the last page is real magic(k), High SF tech or aliens... then I'm calling it now; this'll be a CGI popcorn flick and nothing more.

Good bye, good luck, good riddance.

So we're assuming Serrat is a massive moron, one Chaplin with all his guile can't deal with? The Cortez agreement, as described, means he got nothing out of it because she says he voided the agreement almost as soon as it was made. Or is it she still was a spy for him, but was doing it even though the agreement was

Pretty much concur with all of this. Just as there is a simplistic formulaic creating a porn flick, there is a simple formulae here. I'd only add... If you ask someone what their favourite movie is, they're not likely to say a porn. If they do, they have greater issues. Maybe you need to buy them a Kubrick box set or

But, it's not a mirror case. That's sorta the point. Do you remember the influence Peter had in that case? Or any of the Fringe cases/events of the first three years? In the current timeline, he had no influence. He offered no contribution to the team, to the individuals, offered no resources. What does that mean for

Borderlands fan, are we? :)

In reply to Alohaci. John Murphy's Sunshine - Surface of the Sun (adiago in D Minor)

John Murphy's Sunshine - Surface of the Sun (Adiago in D Minor)

One of my favorite pieces of music set over this unoriginal claptrap. Give me strength.

Okay, non-antagonistic aria. Can you point to a source which confirms the date of the commissioning? One can also add that prior to release, there is a good deal of play testing of a game, equvilent of modern computer games going through Alpha and Beta phases. So, in the same way you're possibly backdating the source

V;tM was released in March, TVD released six months later in September.

Consider this, if you will. Geek culture has evolved in a similar way to a catholic school... person. Let me expound...

Every time I see long shot with James Franco in it I hope the close up with be Heath Ledger.

Anne Rice was definitely on the chain of influence, to be sure. The vampires of masquerade 1st ed were often been referred to as Rician vampires due to (albeit diminishing) similarities. But, I would say that there was a strong direction shifting influence which came about in the very early 90s which gave rise to a

"If you want to get real"? At what point have I been "unreal"? I don't need to prove anything to you, thanks all the same. Clearly, you're misreading the situation as I'm not crying out or lamenting the lack of popularity of a "OMG FAVs" game. I am, however, claiming a historically influence which arose from V;tM (and

That's comparible to the Creationist vs. Evolutionist equality. You are comparing one position with an almost absolute lack of knowledge to one person with experience and knowledge of the subject. When you go to get your car fixed, do you argue with your mechanic? Oh, you're silly. :)