
in 1997, everyone was trying to make a Quentin Tarantino film, and Tarantino decided to make an Elmore Leonard film. And he succeeded. He may have changed a ton from the book, but this is the only adaptation that comes close to capturing Leonard's rhythms and cadence. A lot of people have adapted Leonard, and the

I really wanted this to be good - I like Yang, it's a cool idea, China's Superman, etc. But it just… wasn't. It's cheesy and ridiculous and feels like Yang is just spitballing his way through it. I finally gave up after about 5 issues.

4 is a hard age. They are old enough to have opinions and preferences and a sense of fairness, but not old enough to be able to express what they're feeling and thinking in comprehensible ways.

Surprised to not see Scorsese or "Silence" on the list anywhere (except cinematography.)

He says he hadn't heard the rumors.

"this one looks like it was filmed using a custom lens filter called Overcast Funeral."

I enjoyed that movie. He's also very good (in a difficult role) in "I"ll See You in My Dreams." He's becoming one of my favorite actors to see pop up out of nowhere.

Wow. She's a really dull interview.

I was surprised at how incredibly stupid and ridiculous this was. I thought we'd left the stupid Bond flicks behind. "Quantum" was bad because it was boring. "Spectre" is bad… for so many reasons. It's almost like it's actively trying to be bad.

You mention "The Social Network" but not "Moneyball." Is this better or worse than that film?

Nobody cares
What you hipster d-bags think

He didn't rape her. She would know as soon as she woke up if she had been raped, it doesn't matter how strong the drugs were. Ask any woman who's ever been roofied. There is evidence. She would know.

I buy, read, and lend out digitally.

Response from Mongrel: "We don't know what he's complaining about. He straight up said,
"Go ahead and rearrange my writing if the point being conveyed is still “See this movie!”

Agreed. Main titles are some of the hardest to start with, because they have so much backstory, such a big universe (or multiverse) and it's so hard to find a fresh take on a character who's been around for 600 issues.

Really, you want to get newcomers hooked, so you start with a bunch of old, hard-to-find (and expensive to buy) titles, and only include three series that are actually ongoing?

Dude - it's because, by the third act, it's NOT that good an idea any more. "There's a crazed killer chasing me with a butcher knife! But if I leave the yard, I'll go to jail! Oh no! What should I DO??"

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh soldiers on. Sigh.

33 year old you needs to grow a sense of humor.

True Believers and the Long Ryders both broke up in '87, arguably during college rock's heyday.  Hard to blame that on Nirvana.