Gonna Kick Tomorrow

Would a ‘major’ news network reporter refer to Mitch McConnell as “Moscow Mitch” to his face, in an interview, and keep their job?

Danny’s act is filthy, Aunt Becky’s a convict, DJ’s boob is getting touched...the world doesn’t make sense anymore!

if the evangelicals think this is bad, wait til they find out their Chosen One slept with a porn star while his wife was recuperating from childbirth (and then paid her off), or that one of their “leaders” was a cuck who liked watching his wife get railed by the pool boy. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

Gotta say, putting “and no one will read it” was a good way of getting me to read it. And I’m glad I did, especially because of the reference to the Turnaway study, I hadn’t known about that.

See also, every other police union.

Now, to be fair to Rand Paul, he’s a disgusting and vile human being who should be shunned by everyone who comes into contact with him, and would probably be considered the most unpleasant and horrible person in Congress if he weren’t overshadowed by the blinding light that is Ted Cruz.

Probably deliberate - the NYPD Police Union is absolute garbage.

New York police union is threatening New York Mayor Bill de Blasio to resign by sunset on Twitter.

Luckily it was Rand and not Lindsey or else he might have got the vapors and had to be bride carried to a fainting couch by some poor overworked cop.

Am I becoming paranoid, or is it disturbing that a police union seems comfortable throwing around “sundown” ultimatums at a time like this? Was this deliberate, or just really fucking tone deaf?

Rand Paul should be able to defend himself without having his tax dollars used by big Police budget since he is a libertarian. Oh that’s not how it works when it is for him?

I’m so glad all of these government employees were here to protect me.
-A libertarian 

However, the most absurd comment from him was from a campaign event on the same day in Minnesota where one of his criticism of Joe Biden is that the news wouldn’t be that interested in him. The actual quote is

By the way, Trump’s responses to the convention were kind of meh, for example claiming that he had to come in because of how the Obama’s destroyed the economy and all that.

The queen of going high, Obama diverted from her usual elevated stance, taking a long stretch of minutes to descend into shitting on Donald Trump.

I always thought he was only unfunny and untalented, but that's it. 

The people behind the scenes of Ellen’s show aren’t working in bumblefuck with no unionization or human resources. They’re grown ass people that I’m sure have held other positions before they got hired for the Ellen show. If that workplace has become so toxic their first stop should have been HR not fucking twitter.

There are so many men with wives and daughters and mothers who love them; and they still grow up to be a rapist, a murderer, a pedophile, a wife beater, a drug dealer, the President, a Senator, a judge, a business owner - sometimes love is not enough. 

It’s like the Catholic leadership. The fact that you know right away what I’m talking about when I say “Catholic leadership” shows that it’s “hurting the party” more in the long run. Squashing those bugs early is the better way (if you care about such things, of course... ).