
Except millennials don’t have abstinence only education. Sex Ed has never been as “progressive” (HA! “Progress”). It says right in the article that it affects young people the most. Obviously due to promiscuity. And homosexual sex. Right-wingers were right again.

No, definitely a psychopath. Permanent psychopath. Two wrongs make a right, I guess?

Wow, she mutilated his genitals you sick fuck! That is not how adults deal with problems unless they are completely psychopathic. You people make me sick.

*fermenting bucket of horse semen and disingenuous scumbag, Hillary Clinton

What a spiteful BITCH!

Trump killed it. Can't wait for his two-term presidency! Make America great again!

Wow, is there a misleading title award? If not I'm inventing it now. And the winner is... This article!

“Enlarged pee-spattered sno-cone” you are absolutely disgusting.

San Fran being overrun by who?? I think you missed spelled illegal immigrants.

Hahahahaha yeah someone explaining something is a gender issue. You crack me up. Have you considered creative writing?

If Trump had political experience he could be a good candidate. He’s a strong leader, he has business experience and would be very good with negotiation and finances, including trade deals. Unlike Obama he isn’t overly pacifistic - which would give him credibility internationally (granted he may lose credibility

Wow, he asked someone about a diet and it was a decent example. This guy is not an asshole, you are a raging bitch! Anyways, maybe if your guy didn’t balloon the national debt then there’d be a bit less “condescending” budget talk. After all that bragging about Clinton, Obummer puts the debt through the roof!

Wow, what a grinch. The fuck do you care if they stock the shelves early?

If anything, he’s a pussy cunt! And a boob!

Nice, did you say something to him or just post it online like a skulking coward?

Where's their portrait? All I see are three wrinkly, overweight men.

Anyone is better than Hillary the harpie Clinton or Soviet Sanders...

End opinion as news fuckery? Look, I don't like Jezebel either but we don't need to start censoring it...

Suicide? Maybe anti-white propaganda by communist assholes has convinced them they're evil.

Lack of vigilance, I guess. Regardless, he has made his political stance very clear. Anyways, if opposing ILLEGAL immigration were racist (it’s not), wouldn’t hiring illegal immigrants be non-racist while refusing to hire them would be racist?