My initial reaction to this was "This would be great on a VR headset"...then I watched the video. I would definitely not be able to handle it
My initial reaction to this was "This would be great on a VR headset"...then I watched the video. I would definitely not be able to handle it
So you've got ShogunLord and Booster(not so much) Gold
Absolutely...and she's now famous enough to reject roles that enforce stereotypes. I immediately thought of Peter Dinklage's resolve to not play stereotypical characters even before he got famous, and now it's infinitely easier now that he is
That's why when I step on a plane in coach all the men are crying...bullshit
Now I will watch it with this theory...thank you :)
I'm not a Naruto fan...who did it first?
Just read it...haha, thanks for that :)
Is it right to take something originally racist and take away the racism? ... Then I think no one would remake Song of the South because of the backlash, and that since 90% of Peter Pan isn't racist it's "okay"
Having a gun in a game seldom means that one shot gets fired. It means that thousands do. It means that, when we play in these gun-filled game worlds, we live in places where our heroes are merciless, where we/they aim for the head, where everyone we see is defined, at first glance as 1) a person to shoot or 2) a…
If the city is evacuated, why would the Scarecrow continue his plan?