
Can't wait for the Sonia Soraiya article where the killing of the
dinosaurs is equated to RAPE RAPE ALL MEN ARE EVIL RAPE RAPE!!!!

Funny that the sheeple here on AV Club hate conservative blowhards so much. They share alot in common. A slavish loyalty to a rigid political ideology. Inability to take any criticism. And continual mocking of anyone who dare spouts an opposing opinion.

I see the censors at the AV Club were too butthurt and deleted my last comment. So sad and predictable that race baiters like Sonia would rail against white men, as usual. How about CBS just picks the best person for the job, regardless of race or gender, mkay?

No. You've used the word "faux news" and "teabagger" at some point in the past year, haven't you?

How about getting the best person regardless of race or gender, mkay?

How about we just go with whoever is most talented and leave race and gender out of it. Never go full retard/Gawker/Jezebel, guys.