Honestly people get it wrong so much they should just change it. Like we did with the word “literally.”
Honestly people get it wrong so much they should just change it. Like we did with the word “literally.”
yeah this is such a stupid non story and I’m really starting to get pissed that this site is so adamant on making it “a thing”. Like, just fuck off AVClub. Stop trying to be a stupid gossip site.
“Bad look” and “optics” both mean “It’s your fault I misunderstood what you did.”
Yeah, they’re really dumb boundaries. I can see why she didn’t agree to them. I wouldn’t have agreed to them either, and I’m neither or a model nor a surfer.
...and ArgieBargie was never heard from again.
5 to 10 years.
I have the right to misgender people because there is no such thing as not having the right to misgender people.
And no, I’m not interested in having this debate. Maybe in 5 or 10 years.
That’s pretty dumb. It would be one thing if there were some sort of business arrangement that she had with a Russian company. ‘Don’t say Russia’ is ridiculous.
There was a short-lived show called “Kings” that was the story of David in an alt-history present. Ian McShane was the King Saul. Sebastian Stan was the Jonathan. Goliath was a literal tank.
They’re two consenting adults, who presumably are aware of their age difference and respective history of behaviour and such.
I’m not usually this guy, but...
You call that a dork? That’s not a dork.
I’m tired of these Monday Friday dorks on my Monday Friday plane!
Barsanti is like the bad thinking guy of metaphors. Why even reference a famous trio if there’s not three things haunting him? He’d have been better off beginning with: A SPECTRE haunts David Zaslav, the spectre of university graduates.
She was the MILF in American Pie for fucks sake, it's about time we put respect to her name
Reminds me of that Mitch Hedberg joke about execs wanting comedians to be able to do other things: “Sure you can cook, but can you farm?”
Just here to say that linking to Donna Bowman’s writing while glibly (and falsely) summarizing it and calling it misogynistic is completely unnecessary.
How soon people forget the motherfuckin’ ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER.