Gone Elsewhere.

@Sophie: And formed his own church when he grew tired of that.

@marin79: Great, now Butters has to go to a party with Biggie. Good going!

@Miss-Pringle: I'm not poly, and the open relationship bit doesn't work for me. I do know a few poly folk, and a few open relationship people as well.

@Jamie Sommers: Aha! But that's not the trick. The trick is that anyone capable of being elected is merely there to distract people from knowing who really runs the country.

@NOLAgirl: I stole the wedding flutes, and have them so that I can crush them up and bury them.

@Sebaceous: Having been in a nearly sexless marriage, I can relate. After about a week I start thinking, "OMG what's wrong with me, are they no longer attracted to me?"

And longest "dry spell" was my self-imposed celibacy of 4 months following a bad break-up. Not self-imposed, would be the 3.5 months following my honeymoon.

Not quite the same subject, but did anyone catch This American Life on saturday? There was a great tale from a gay man growing up that had me laughing like mad in the car.

@Jamie Sommers: Next thing you know they'll be telling us that ham, bacon, and pork chops all come from the same magical animal.

@wednesdaywolf: Yeah, see, either he needs to build a bridge and get over that, or you should consider finding someone else to date.

@summerwheatley: have you discussed trying a lower dosage with your doctor? For some reason I thought 300 mg XR was max dose per day. Did they change that or is that max dose 2x per day?

@Archetype: The side-effects vary from individual, but in the case of women I have dated who are using it, the general consensus seems to be no. I have reports of it going the far other direction though.

@Notes from the underwhelmed: Some people have genuine chemical imbalances that require medication to keep them on a semi even keel. Other people need them to help them cope while they work with a therapist (ideally everyone would do this) that they trust and feel has a model of healing that works for the individual.

@TeenageGangDeb: Sorry, not going to discuss that here. Thank you for understanding.

@SinisterRouge: Right, because I have information on a subject, and like to help people I'm creepy. If some people find me creepy, that isn't really my issue.

@quietcal: When we outlaw chocolate cake, only outlaws will have chocolate cake.

@SinisterRouge: Is there a reason you're so venemous towards me?

@PeteRR: As you age, you will not have a constantly available sex drive. On average men peak at about 18, women peak at about 30.