Gone Elsewhere.

Unfortunately many people see me as being callous about death. It isn't that I don't care, it's just that I have been to so many funerals in my life (For 10 years straight I averaged a minimum 2 per year and still have been to more funerals than years I've been alive even in my 30's.)

Oh, and it isn't wrong to feel relieved when a loved one is passing. Especially if they've been sick a while. You cannot really get the grieving process over with until they're actually finally gone.

I helped a grieving girlfriend through the loss of her father, and that was pretty awful for me. When my father had his own heartattack 700 miles from home while driving on the interstate, with my mother and my sister in the car with him... Well, that scared me quite a bit.

@stoptextingme: You might try finding a support group for your particular issue, and ask for recommendations of therapists in your area.

@aegyptus: Except for the part where you'd using a substance as an outlet for pain rather than actually dealing with the root cause of the issue.

@Tits.McGee: Yeah, I pretty much just stick to saying "OK" even if I'm not OK. I pretty much only let very few specific people see me upset about something if I can help it.

I don't cut myself, I never have, and likely never will. Insteada, I incessantly fiddle with my cuticles and hangnails as my stress level raises. I will basically fiddle, and pry, and pick until they bleed one by one on a really bad day.

How much did she shell out for that outfit?

Did she steal that outfit from the set of Pay It Forward? I could have sworn I'd seen Helen Hunt wearing that years ago.

@Begorrah: What was it the book about being a groom said?

@Begorrah: Which part? And the consumer economy, the magazine industry, and the prevailing social construct of femininity all want you to spend more money than you need to, to their benefit.

@Alipaps: A $25 gift card for the new couple to have a pizza date would likely be appreciated.

@awhellsnaw: If money is tight, I'd say it's an either/or thing. Either a gift, or your presence. Or, get them something simple and silly that doesn't cost you much.

@tscheese: I really want to happily dismiss the bridezilla phenomenon as silly, but many women are raised with the emphasis that their wedding day is the most important day of their life evar.

@mentlyentl: How to keep people from rolling their eyes at your wedding, by me.

Wedding polls?

Since when did Chuckie and Tom Cruise mate? She looks like a little animated tom cruise doll. Minus, the stabby bit.

@BeckySharper: I could say I was a bit hypocritical about the whole thing. I didn't say my thinking was right, merely that I thought differently once.

@briardahl: Pretty much. I couldn't state with a straight face that this woman hadn't been seriously wronged, and that the justice system has obviously failed.

What in the fuck?