Gone Elsewhere.

Is this a good thing, or a bad thing for the bunnehs?

@BeckySharper: Yeah, us Republican moderates do a lot of quiet shaking our heads and wishing that the fundies would let go of their death grip on the party...

As far as I can tell, the only reason McCain tows the Bush line is to prevent Bush from sandbagging him like they did in 2000.

@SinisterRouge: No, the party did change you are correct. The question was, when did the GOP care about anyone outside its reptillian base. I provided a reference point. Apparently people failed to see the humor in the mention.

@mrtrailsafety: Yes, they ended slavery actually. You know, Lincoln's party? They were also big supporters of the black civil rights movement.

"Here we see Tobey stepping away after concluding a side deal to score a little something to 'ease the pain in his back' a subtle reference to his injury in that one movie with the horse... I think it was named Special K."

@surf-by: Yep, their job is to intepret the laws as written, and if necessary declare a law unconstitutional.

On the other hand, perhaps someone could write up a state version of this law, so that people can introduce it via their petition process for election consideration? (If it isn't already too late?)

@NOLAgirl: Why would two women not vote for this bill? It seems strange, because when it comes to women's issues, they seem to be universally united when it comes to legislation about women's equality/health issues.

@NOLAgirl: It was to prevent the bill from being unable to be brought forward again for consideration.

Hrm... Hillary supports equal pay for women, yet accepts money/donations from Walmart, a company known to underpay, underpromote, and discriminate against women?

He had me at hello! Oh wait, wrong Maguire.

@nellicat: Eh, you only do it at certain times. Which is when they're on the computer.

@BeckyIva: I believe you should be able to ask HR what the corporate approved salary range for a particular position is.

There's no place like home.

@hortense: My apologies, I was not intending to be disrespectful to anyone. As I've stated repeatedly, she is an attractive woman.

@gold_gato: You mean how Tom Cruise never looks like a midget on screen no matter how tall the person he's in a scene with is? The man's like 5'7" but do you remember Ving Rhames (6') towering over him in MI?

@nellicat: Not really, look at the post directly below yours.

I mean, as a guy here's the breakdown I see of this woman:

@savoyeve: I had a girlfriend in HS that was a size 10, I thought she was gorgeous. I don't get it. She wasn't overweight, it's just how she was built.