Rick Ramos

I don't remember exactly, but I believe it was the fall of '92 when I first saw Abel Ferrara's BAD LIEUTENANT and was knocked on my ass by its brutal and darkly comic presentation. (I know it wasn't a comedy and when my friends and I laugh at the movie it's uncomfortably) That was in Chicago my freshman year at the

Yeah, when Pleasence finds out that his brother is selling the family vineyard to a Gallo-like winery he loses his shit and yells something to the effect of, "$1.50 a gallon Gallo!" I love that moment.

It's almost a sin to forget Season 4; Episode 1 - AN EXERCISE IN FATALITY. The Great Asshole, Robert Conrad versus the genius of Falk's Columbo. Either Conrad is a great actor (which I don't believe) or he was actually getting annoyed and pissed-off at Falk. There were moments when I thought Conrad actually was