
I was going to say the same thing.

Hell, Diablo 2 pretty much became the wild west of hacks thanks to hex editing and such. You could completely modify your character while offline, and then jump into battle.net and play with your godly modded character online with others.

I felt a great disturbance in the Kinja, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in entitlement and were suddenly starred.

Just about every single place I’ve worked at from big name retail to privately owned places will fire you if you go and talk to the media without getting the go-ahead from PR first. How could this dude not know that, working at Nintendo of all places?

Pretty much any company would do this if an employ started talking to media about internal development, especially something that is secretive.

Lets not forget about AA’s ult that actually killed them; AA’s ult is a long range spell that u can cast anywhere on the map, the further away you are the bigger the radius ur ult does, also you cant heal if ur affected by it and instantly die if your hp reach at 11%. Although its safe to say its EchoSlam that secured

Sorry but I’m getting tired of it being echo slam this, echo slam that as if Earthshaker did all the work and it was some kind of instagib skill.

It is disgusting that he’s doing this. On the flip side, why are these women ok with having his kids?

“...giving you random elements to defend against and making things more chaotic.”

This is gross on all the levels.

I bought my first smart phone this year.

I really like the social experiment of putting trolls in troll-only matchmaking. Perhaps by doing it without telling them? Would be fascinating to see how behaviour changes. Would the developer provide the ability to let them back to normal matchmaking once they improve their disposition?

I think this had less to do with gender and more to do with how shady she was acting. People came out of the woodworks to tell stories of being hoodwinked by her and her making excuses and suddenly pulling out of tournaments added fuel to the fire. It was also noted that she voluntarily quit tempostorm even after

You want psychopaths? Because that's how you get psychopaths.

His girlfriend is pretty cute~

It won't happen. Too many people refuse to learn how to put a PC together or STILL believe (for whatever reason) that a gaming rig costs $3,000 and the sacrifice of a virgin. As long as people prefer consoles to the PC the majority of developers and publishers will be making games for the consoles first and PC

Once played a D&D campaign with 6 people. 4 guys, 2 girls. I was one of the girls. It was my first campaign and and I absolutely loved it. We had a brilliant gm and a great group of people. Except for the other girl. She had a thing for two of the guys in our campaign and as such, had attached herself to the

I understand the threat of fake geek girls. Asian American dude here. I'm Vietnamese and graduated from high school last year. Avid listener of heavy metal music I might add. What does this have to do with anything? I'll tell you.