
Personally if Fahey’s name is on the article I keep those expectations low.

Or he left the company because of it?

Seems to be that in many Asian countries where no communication between strangers is the norm - for all their faults, they’re doing at least something wrong.

So then are we to immediately take the side of one, and immediately discount the other as “what you say doesn’t count”?

And this is exactly what nobody else here seems to talk about.

Nobody cares anymore about what happened with Blitzchung, where were you, when MarineKingPrime posted “Takudo belongs to Korea” way back in 2010 during the GSL and that was absolutely not OK?

If you really wanted to quit playing games from Blizzard, you would have done so with all the controversy that’s been brewing for years. You’re looking to this as an excuse, why rationalize it? Play or don’t play.

My biggest question is to the industry as a whole. This article talks about Blizzard but Blizzard, EA, Origin, Capcom, Konami...too many to name here.

And should a social movement change the way things work in court? If we say, it should - then by what standard should this movement vs that movement influence the courts? If MeToo should change it all...fair enough...there are too many others to name...do they count? If not, why don’t they?

They all did. Just how it was shown was pretty different between each of them. Miranda’s were hilarious.

I disagree, Miranda, looked amazing as a redhead before. With this new ‘do, this to me more so marks the passage of time. It’s not better, but it is different.

With all these wrappers, crumbs of food and other nastiness that permeates the bedroom, the mice and roaches come.

Yup. And it’s exhausting to keep up that act for 12-16 hours at a time.

Or - she’s said this, because she wants to get fired from her role.

I wonder about the mobile app stores too, like Apple’s App store and Google Play, if they also have these very similar issues too.

As started reading the article...if it wasn’t clarified that this is Sony, this almost sounded very similar to many of the problems associated with getting your App onto the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, that whole 30% cut.

I don’t know how to say this, but if we’re really going go down deep. And by deep, I mean both human, and animalistic reasons why the men are there...

That looked like the perfect audience to cater to. Players who loved both Diablo and MtG...it seems like a match made in heaven.

But the written stories and illustrations seemed so amazing.

doesn’t even matter when those shoes look so gross it makes me think some wanna-be Predator would wear them.