
As started reading the article...if it wasn’t clarified that this is Sony, this almost sounded very similar to many of the problems associated with getting your App onto the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, that whole 30% cut.

I don’t know how to say this, but if we’re really going go down deep. And by deep, I mean both human, and animalistic reasons why the men are there...

That looked like the perfect audience to cater to. Players who loved both Diablo and MtG...it seems like a match made in heaven.

But the written stories and illustrations seemed so amazing.

doesn’t even matter when those shoes look so gross it makes me think some wanna-be Predator would wear them.

...if you’re going to frame it that way, then fine - nothing. If you’re going to take it in this direction, then you might also say - he did nothing wrong. He was just trying to see how far he could take it, that’s all. And what’s wrong with that?

Whoever that someone is, hoo boy maybe if he came up with a more plausible example, there might be more people considering it. But Mila Kunis, get outta here...

So I guess we can’t make any games about even the planet Earth anymore.

Sigh well here we go again. Another reason for grown men to get into fistfights and brawls at your local Walmart over a children’s card game.

I think you would need to see more than just the body. Unless you meant, you would need to see the body in person and validate that it really is him.

Oh I get you. I also found that various individuals have, over time, generated a larger noise-to-signal ratio, which have resulted in me unfollowing them. I mean, I get that there reasons for them to be upset with things that are happening around them or various world events and it’s OK to vent, but when venting

Well they did exactly what I would have done. A group of guys pump up my stock? Oh heck I’ll sell.

Why don’t you just unfollow all the stuff you don’t want to see? That way your feed is tighter, more relevant, and only shows you the things that matter to you.

Is that photo from the US? Here where I am in Canada, I’ve never seen anywhere even half of that many check-out points. There are a few more self-check out points now but I’ve never seen more maybe 10 lines, tops.

Well, they are told that, because hiring their replacement is quick. The hospitality industry is by nature very high turnover.

These used to be the jobs that you had to start somewhere with. The summer jobs for highschool students. But as a teen you would be working shoulder-to-shoulder with people the age of your parents at these places too.

I think the reasons are pretty straightforward and depressing.

People would pay for a VPN into China? Oh you don’t mean ExpressVPN of course.

But I’m told that you can just visit your local currency exchange and well, just exchange it for good ol’ dollars.

And I think it comes down to what you do for the company.