
That’s not a good analogy. Bolting in backwards compatibility onto new consoles is nothing like throwing away old films. How many times have we seen issues with Windows moving forward, because it’s hamstrung by its requirement to ensure it can run older software?

No, because the office environment is completely different, formal environment where everyone’s dressed business-casual at the least, and adhere to entirely different social norms.

So what are you really saying about Japanese culture, Nick-San?

Indeed, and I’ve even seen people with their shoes on, in bed. By that, I don’t need fancy heels, but the same running shoes which they were wearing, coming into the house.

Even here in Canada, when I have people over, it is common for them to ask, if we want them to take their shoes off. And we always say, yes. But the fact that they are actually asking, is because they very likely wouldn’t have to take their shoes off in many other households, and ours would be more the exception

Who’d they hire for the artwork? Greg Land?

Who here remembers all those “Play of the game” memes? Somehow I don’t think this’ll be a resurgence of that, but maybe I’m wrong...

Another question: How does the grind in GI, compared to say, a grind in WoW Classic? Let’s take for example, the Cenarion Circle grind(which I think is particularly awful) introduced in the AQ40 patch.

Meanwhile, there are people who flat out state that $60 is too much money to spend on a video game(my immediate friends but still).

Isn’t 60 hours quite a lot gaming time?

I don’t love it. Just because Mike doesn’t like WoW Classic doesn’t mean he should rain on the expansion’s parade.

Why the immediate negativity?

Discord does by a totally different use case. It is more used for gaming communities to connect, communicate, arrange events, etc.

Well I’ve been out of the whole club scene for at least 25 years, and definitely don’t miss it. The lineups outside to create an illusion of being special, the DJs constantly spamming everyone on FB all these Event invites(just one out of a million reasons I cancelled my account), just the whole snobby club vibe put

This reminds of the story a once-friend of mine once told me. She and her sister once rented a basement suite and they had agreed that they would rotate who would do the dishes on any given week.

This was a lifetime ago, but let me just chime in as a former computer department salesman back in 1996. I had pull the calculator out to figure that it was 25 years ago. Wow but anyways:

You just might have single-handedly revived my interest into the game.

He wasn’t as we know. But...Sakurai is old-school Japanese. And as such, well...we’ll get characters like the one introduced into the game and less say...some of the cast from Overwatch.

This article is wrong and should not be followed. Elon is the CEO of Tesla and can call himself anything he wants. His tweets shape markets. He is not just your everyday human being.

And not every kid gets to have a photo with their mom in that style, too!