We can say this all we want, how oh if your gf/wife can’t handle you being best friends with another girl, then she’s the problem, and why can’t she just accept that people can be friends with someone from other side?
We can say this all we want, how oh if your gf/wife can’t handle you being best friends with another girl, then she’s the problem, and why can’t she just accept that people can be friends with someone from other side?
I’ve seen some “pro bono” ones but I’m confused - does that mean they do the job for free? People gotta eat...
Respect the brave souls who are charged with the “big jobs” there at the salon!
Is there any penalty, reputational or otherwise for lawyers who just take up any case? Or is it really like anything else where if you care about your career portfolio, that you really ought to be choosy about who you represent?
There are right ways to do things and the ways we see here, which have consequences for all.
It doesn’t look the greatest but it is their tournament. And you have to play by their rules and not try to be the cool guy and try to pull a fast one.
They do yes but they don’t do it in such a way that’s way out in the open. They don’t stick a label on their uniform that says “the brakes on my car suck” or during an interview segment.
Young people doing dumb young people things. It’s kinda sad that throughout the entirety of human existance, we have to tell yourselves the same lessons over and over, generation after generation:
Reading all these comments and especially this article - you guys aren’t looking to play an MMORPG.
It sounds like you’re so angry with the game that you probably shouldn’t have started playing to begin with.
Someone can step me and correct me(and please do):
Then what’s even the use of making a story about something important that happens, but the emotional impact to the viewer is completely nullified if someone who’s seen it first, spoils it for everyone else?
Maybe it’s on his tab because he’s using that site to check and see if the very pirated works that he’s trying to stop being pirated...are up there?
Really excellent point of view, you summed up what I was thinking but couldn’t put into words.
How does one handle the very real possibility that this could just re-open wounds that some of the victims have wanted to move past?
Horrifying, but depressingly(to me) - not surprising.
The solution will come down to your personal morals and whether or you truly believe that a workable solution is available.
It’s also incredibly sad that we even need this, and particularly aimed towards the nerd crowd.
Lack of self-awareness is one thing I agree, but I will say that many of these nerds are not stupid people. More often than they are extremely intelligent and incredibly well-versed on the topics and knowledge that they took the time to research and perfect.
Yes, there are people with various issues - I for one, have notoriously bad breath.