
Blows me away that Twitch once did this very thing - mute the streams when copyrighted material was detected - years ago. Then they stopped muting the streams.

Late reply but there’s a lot of reasons why/how this kinda stuff happens esp in a community such as the Smash one:

Late, but I find it kinda sad that people are good with traditional sports but have this hatred for video games being seen on the screen. It’s as if people see video game competitions/tournaments and their bile rises where eSports shouldn’t exist because, well nerds should stay where they belong, in the basement.

Late response, but I think this kind of attitude where we hate video games to the level that watching a video game stream is treated with that level of animosity...

Don’t expect another RTS because the MOBA genre has surpassed it(in terms of sales and playerbase).

Then the game is just not for you. Why bother even asking?

...what money is there even spend?

The thing that’s easily forgotten and just keeps happening over and over, is the theme around rows of young people in cubicles, all working to enrich the few elders at the top.

This is the real problem with the state of things, and that is - you simply cannot, and should not - try to please everyone.

Oh you just go full on old-school Chinese parenting.

Naw, Sex and the City is a very woman-centric series. The way the series is written, the way it’s filmed, the way the jokes are written and hit home - nope this is very much a series by women, for other women. This is a Candace Bushnell fantasy.

I’m happy to see this, but jaded. This is far from the first time that Blizzard old-timers have gotten together and decided to make games.

Sigh of course my review was deleted by the moderator. All I said was, maybe the card game isn’t suited to your tastes.

I didn’t hear about this. Who was the streamer? This sounds like it was a few years ago. There was someone who was a little notorious for attracting audience attention by doing certain things. Wonder if it’s the same person I’m thinking of.

Let me also add that you had better using a web browser which actually tries to be a little more secure than say, Internet Explorer(which wouldn’t surprise me if the guy was using that, and not even the Chromium version!).

Well, if you enjoyed playing regular card games from the typical 52-card Bicycle pack and you liked those - then surely you’d like to see a lot more variation in the rules, what each card could do, all the math involved etc etc?

Rofl it blows my mind, that:

Those titles are poor translated, also it’s Chinese. Expect mangled English.

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What a shame, such an outwardly beautiful woman with such an ugly soul.