Gomi Maloney

I am a GT’er, but not Janice Waffle. I’m not sure I’ve ever been mentioned on GOMI.

Personally, I’m looking forward to 32 Jump Street: Firefighter School.

After 22 Jump Street came out on video, my boyfriend at the time wanted to watch it. I rolled my eyes, but agreed.....and then as soon as I could I immediately watched 21 Jump Street. They are good cheesy fun, but also somehow kind of smart. Definitely surprisingly great movies. Every single movie in those end credits

Protect women, protect life? These people man. Its like they know they're wrong

I feel like if somebody thinks the first three or four are the best of the “series”, then it really isn’t the set of books for them. I don’t even think it starts to get good until 4 (Mort).

I wouldn’t be surprised if this keeps chugging along for a few years and then flounders. Maybe a movie will come out, but it will resemble Sandman as much as Constantine does Hellblazer aka: not much. And that means whatever “big plans” to serialize will fail, too

The originals were good enough for a re-read. But, I read a couple preview chapters for the ones with Mags and just quit. I don’t know if she ran out of ideas or just feel into that trap of having to churn out content without being able to make sure it is good. I feel like the same thing happened with the Elemental

It did start getting a little annoying toward the end, but I do like re-reading them sometimes.

Haha I keep meaning to see it. Adding it to my netflix queue now!

oof. you had to do it twice? You poor thing! They only took two of my four, but the other two are so high up there they are basically in my cheekbones so they’ll likely never have to come out (fingers crossed!).

Ex Machina is how I discovered Oscar Issac (I know, I was late to that game) but oh yeah, my ovaries.

Have you seen Brooklyn? It’s not your typical movie but I really enjoyed it. The cinematography and costuming were excellent and every actor was just perfect in their role. Soairise (sp?) Ronan in particular was excellent. In other movies with Domnhall Gleeson: I loved Ex Machina.

General anesthesia, thank god. I was already hyperventilating by the time they were trying to get the IV in - I’d hate to think the condition I would have been in if I hadn’t taken a double dose of my lexapro the night before! That part sucked but before I knew it I was awake again and I’ve been good ever since,

Yep, I don’t know actually know their standards for inclusion, but obviously the flight sim genre would have things well covered. Their image from Horizon is just a silhouette on a sign too.

this is an endorsement of Team Dog only:

The fact you know he was expelled for rape is evidence that the “allegation” he is a rapist is true. Are we talking about court room evidence? no. Is it evidence you should take into consideration that your friend is a rapist and you shouldn’t publicly supporting him? yes.

I’m not sure you need commuter rail in the whole corridor though. It seems like you’d make the biggest difference just between Manchaca (or Buda) and downtown (or up to Round Rock, though I think there are still some things north of downtown that actually make direct use of the rail line). If you need to build a

7th Heaven is still on the air?

The tolls should be enough to cover maintenance, just not the cost of servicing construction debt.

I’d say they go more like 5mph within Austin.