Gomi Maloney

He spends a lot of time in the media drinking for someone the media claims has a drinking problem. It’s so counter-intuitive.

I wouldn’t know, but from A Wiki of Ice and Fire...

What’s the name of your blog?

This is cool. Just tested a random sample from how I derive passwords, and it came out 4/4 quality and (unless I’m misreading) would take centuries for any method to crack.

My workplace stocks tampons for us in the bathroom. This guy is better than my older male coworker who stopped by the box of tampon boxes in the storage room and incredulously guffawed, “Ugh. Should I also bring in a box of jock itch cream?!”

I haven’t been trying to convince you they are employees. That question is in front of courts. I think they are employees, but my opinion is about as relevant as yours. Most recently, they have been found to be employees, and I think more cases will go that way in the future. All I’ve been telling you is that “They

Kathryn seemed like someone not used to handling alcohol.

So in other words, the kid knew what he was doing on some level. It was deliberate, in some sense, because it wasn’t an “Oooh, what’s this?” scenario.

You should play Neverwinter Nights 2. The things a 10 year old game manages to do to a high end system are a testament to terrible design and implementation. They improved somewhat with the expansions (Mask of the Betrayer is excellent, much better than the base game), but mainly they addressed the performance issues

I would watch the shit out of that movie.

The worst part is it doesn’t even have a needle! The threat that maybe *this* time there’s a needle is enough to make me cringe.

Now playing

Seriously, Disney had this figured out 50 years ago:

I’ll say it: that was a topnotch video. It was surreal with enough hint of a plot that it stirred the imagination, so rewatchability factor was high. Also, very 80's aesthetic. The Literal Video is magnificent though.

Here's hoping they do better than Target!

What’s funny about that article is that a majority of Venezuelans voted for the opposition in the most recent elections, including people in the slums. The UK and US always go full white man’s burden in Latin America, as if we don’t know the history of our own country and how much it has been screwed over.

It’s like he’s Gwenyth Paltrow’s opposite number or something. Both of them are just so charismatic when pretending they’re somebody else on-screen, but they open their mouths out of character, and I’m like, “shut up and stop embarrassing yourself . . . just look pretty for a while please, and then find another

Even New Yorkers get it. I went to school for one of my degrees in the Midwest at a fairly fancy school (so you’d think students would have a basic grasp of geography) and literally every time I said I was from New York someone would say “Oh, you’re from New York? Do you know ...?”

I imagine then you are the kind of guy who can read social cues and knows when someone wants to talk and doesn’t. This will hold you in good stead.

That’s how I feel among a lot of my friends. What am I supposed to do if Bernie doesn’t get the nom, vote for whoever the republican candidate is? That’s what they’re making me feel the option is.

People in a lot of countries have August off. What a wonderful thing.