Gomer Wumphf

Get psychiatric help. Or just do the world a favor and off yourself.

You clearly have emotional problems. I guess that is understandable considering you don't have a functional cerebral cortex.

Actually I am a US Army vet.

If that's your best shot you must be stupid even by "progressive" standards.

Gee - they don't bother you at all - but then you obviously support Hillary.

Johnny - Your moronic pathological lying bribe soliciting psycho Hillary lost. Get over it.

Zac - unlike you I don't hate anyone. I just hate the stupidity you embrace and embody.

Not a threat - just a joke. Kind like a mini CNN.

Find the truth boring eh? How “progressive”.

Thanks cleek.


Muslims, Nazis, Marxists all just more "progressives". What is it about totalitarianism you find soooooo attractive???

"correspondent" for "Vox"???

Burson - what other stereotypes do you believe in besides that associated with the name Gomer?

CE - Clearly you are psychotic - but psychic too? Imagine that!

"Gee cleek - how brilliant! You must be really really really "progressive"!"

Count Bakila - "tee". Mea culpa mea culpa - I made a typo. Oh the shame of it!

Count - Such emotion! And all over a typo. You KNOW you should not stop taking your meds!

Scrawler - see my response to Cleek. It fits you to a tea too.

Gee cleek - how brilliant! You must be really really really "progressive"!