So much sexier. Thank you for that.
So much sexier. Thank you for that.
Does it come in any colors other than douchebag yellow?
I was thinking the same thing.
I heard he doesn't need to worry about gas mileage because it's running on faith.
That's SC. GA got the General Lee.
It's actually not racist... Australian isn't a race.
No problem... my WRX loves that shit. haha
I think his point is that if you park like an asshat in one car, you probably park like an asshat in any car.
If you don't take at least a few hours washing your car, I feel bad for it. Just because you are too lazy to get off your ass and wash out all the pretentious bullshit that oozes from your ass to your upholstery doesn't mean that other people shouldn't take proper care of their cars, regardless of what it may be.
Well... better write my will.
or manual Corolla?
Automatic Porsche...?
Is that supposed to change anyone's mind? There isn't much in there that makes one or the other seem better. I'm not a huge fan of either, but I am a fan of calling things out as I see them, and I can see that you are a giant troll.
Not as expensive as I imagined...
All day long.
No way. The Italia is a nice car, don't get me wrong, but there are other cars out there I would rather get the chance to drive and there is no way in hell I am making a compromise like that.
On top of Mount Washington is pretty cool.
That's because they are made for parallel parking.
If you only use it for long distance hauls, that makes sense. But imagine using it as a DD and parking it at this parking lot at this local kindergarten and it becomes a completely different story. I have a hell of a time squeezing my WRX between badly parked minivans everyday when I pick up my daughter. The size of…