
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was actually agreeing with you. lol.

Daddy Raptor showed up and was not pleased with his not-all-there son, Fusion.

CAT-FIGHT! Or should I say, AntiCat-fight?

Don't worry guys, that was me. I needed to change my tire and I didn't have a jack so I figured I'd improvise.

@ws450r: Yeah, all of which is a smart idea. A lot smarter than looking at how much snow is on the ground.

@psychiccheese: I'm not arguing that people need to learn how to drive, but if you judge how slippery the roads are by how much snow there is, you might need to learn a thing or two also. A thin hard packed layer of snow can be pretty damn slippery.

DAMN IT! I got off exit 3 yesterday! I wish I saw that. There was a truck on top of a 4 foot snow bank, up against the exit 3 sign. It happened in the extremely slow traffic from the exit 2 pileup, so I don't know how he managed it. The best part was his Darwinism bumper sticker. I wish I had a camera.

Jeep just needs to bring back the Cherokee for that price. I would be waiting in a tent at the front door of the dealership the night before.

@Novaload: Yeah... I think they are competing to see who can get the lowest gas mileage. We actually had a police chase involving a Prius here in NH not long ago. The news said it reached speeds of 107 MPH. Prius drivers are insane. #tesla

190k on a 1991 civic. I knocked the front wheels off on a curb trying to avoid a head on collision. #qotd

@Alfisted: What he's not telling you is that it really is 1,640,805 miles. #qotd

If you can tow it... It's yours! #fail

If you look on Street View, there is a woman in the front yard planting flowers, with her cat or something next to her, completely oblivious to the fire. There is also two people past her, in the next yard over, watching the smoke rise. Altogether, it's pretty hilarious.

@pauljones: Unless that woman was driving, had very hairy arms, and refers to herself in the third person as Mark.

@Lainface: and then turned white from less sun? THE SUN CAUSED RACISM!!!

@Lainface: and then turned white from less sun? THE SUN CAUSED RACISM!!!

@Lainface: and then turned white from less sun? THE SUN CAUSED RACISM!!!