
The fact that it’s taken until nearly 2021 for Nielsen to wake up to the fact that people watch content online should tell you exactly why nobody should care what Nielsen does or says much less using it as the gold standard for ratings tracking.

So you’re saying you’d rather have 50,001 on the dark web instead?

Everything could stand to be better. This is just your typical sensationalized clickbait from a dying media company trying to hold on a bit longer by pandering to people who want to be shocked and outraged.

She let it fuck her life up. Countless people with porn out there who don’t end up living in a car with 3 dogs.

You should probably ignore anything the NYT writes. They’ve lost all credibility. They’re basically at the level of Buzzfeed News now.

Impossible and not financially prudent aren’t the same thing”

The Times, which has lost all credibility as a source of journalistic integrity, is just churning out more BS clickbait.

What a stupid take. So it’s “evil” to not be 100% successful at doing something on a massive scale?

And? Just because you can’t wrap your head around the law doesn’t mean we should all just change things to adhere to your unlettered sensibilities.

And how is uploading to a porn site without ID legal?”

Dems have already laid out their desire for total and permanent control over all three branches of federal government and as much state and local as they can.

I give it a week before Leftists with Twitter check marks and Kool-aid dyed hair start defaming the show for not siding politically with the far-left.

Seeing danger where there was none? Ironic coming from a far-left propaganda writer like you who sees “white supremacists” and “Nazis” at every turn.

It isn’t. If it was, Trump would have been indicted. Learn what “proof means” it’s really not that hard. Dictionaries are online for free, try one.

Proof of nothing, which is why nothing came of it.

Inbred state government leads to inbred state inhabitants.

Just another result of a Democrat super-majority.

It’s a compact tablet you retards, not a phone. You can make calls on anything now, doesn’t mean it’s a phone. MS doesn’t call it a phone. No idea why you pulled that nonsense out of your asses. Seriously, stop pretending to be a tech site, you’re a far-left propaganda site and nothing more.

You really need 3 screens to write far-left propaganda for a click-bait rag of a site? Especially one that costs more than your life is worth? Going by your physique, I’d say one of those treadmill desks is better suited to you.

Yawn. 4 years and nothing. Show the proof or fuck off.