Oh give us a break.
Oh give us a break.
Oh give us a break.
I thought Harvey Keitel was Mickey Cohen.
I thought Harvey Keitel was Mickey Cohen.
Because he's a Washington Post reporter which gives him the right to go anywhere and do anything and fuck you, John Q. Public, he killed Nixon, that's why.
Because he's a Washington Post reporter which gives him the right to go anywhere and do anything and fuck you, John Q. Public, he killed Nixon, that's why.
'Yes, but I *have* a 1-D'.
'Yes, but I *have* a 1-D'.
I agree that she certainly deserves to be pelted with Emmys but she'll never get one for this role. It's too 'disrespectful'.
I agree that she certainly deserves to be pelted with Emmys but she'll never get one for this role. It's too 'disrespectful'.
Nice to see Farva getting some screen time, especially with Jay doing so nicely behind the camera these days.
Nice to see Farva getting some screen time, especially with Jay doing so nicely behind the camera these days.
By 'relevant', you mean 'nude'?
By 'relevant', you mean 'nude'?
Your choice.
Your choice.
Are we all agreed that Gary, who is a maestro in the specifics of handling the VP but a klutz in everything else, fucked up the test and she isn't pregnant?
Are we all agreed that Gary, who is a maestro in the specifics of handling the VP but a klutz in everything else, fucked up the test and she isn't pregnant?
If White Russians are good enough for The Dude, they're good enough for you.
If White Russians are good enough for The Dude, they're good enough for you.