
I am, and here is Storm, affectionately refereed to as Stormy, sometimes Stormy girl.

I thought it was great, Meryl is sublime as always and Tom Hanks seems to be having the best time opposite her. There are some fantastic girl power moments. And, fyi- that’s not an actor doing Nixon, they used Nixon’s actual voice from the tapes he made. Also, really pretty shots of printing presses.

If Arpaio gets the nomination that puts all sorts of races in play. I suspect he won’t though, Doug Ducey does not want to be on the same ticket as that vile, evil man. Still you never know what’ll happen in an AZ GOP primary, those things reach peak AZ crazy.

Believe it or not knocking on doors is a million times more enjoyable and effective. People are often intimidated to go and do it/ talk to strangers/ bother people, but honestly it’s really rare that people are rude to you in person and most of the time they’re super nice or at least polite. I can’t tell you how many

I don’t always agree with Kyrsten, and goodness knows she could be progressive, but I can tell you that woman is a force of nature. I am super looking forward to watching that race.

Arizona will need people to make phone calls and knock on doors. Lots of people here vote early and by mail and there will be a huge effort to chase down those ballots. People come into the state every election cycle from all sorts of places to help out, it’s organized through the AZ Democratic Party.

I’ve been taking mine to marches since they were toddlers (10 & 12 now). It’s always been great, and now they’re pros. Others will help, keep an eye out for other toddlers, my kids have friends they see at these sorts of things & they all run around/climb trees during speeches. Snacks & drinks in small packages are

We will happily take more MA voters, yes please. As for where it depends what you like. Tucson is a great city with fabulous food, a lively downtown, and easy access to the outdoors. Also the Sonoran Desert is lovely. It is sprawling, but there are tacos and Eegees. If you visit check out Poca Cosa and go for a sunset

I love traveling alone. And I’ve been married to a man who I also enjoy traveling with since I was a young fish. You aren’t selfish, your adventurous, capable, and know your own mind. Which is awesome.

The Next American Revolution isn’t exactly a book on her life but it’s well worth reading.

Hahahaha! That’s a nice thought but no, they just insist on more time so a quick weekend becomes an entire week. And the kids need to be there to put up the tree, and bake cookies, and whatever else they can come up with. Seriously, my normally chill dad once made me sit through 2 hours of singing elves on a train,

Nonsense. She spelled it correctly.

And a big sparkly tiara!

We had a few, it was flipping awesome.

It’s an excellent episode, the whole thing is pretty much all the guys fanboying over a super smart Glenn Close.

No! That’s not how it works! It needs to be received by Election Day!

No! That’s not how it works! It needs to be received by Election Day!

When President Obama appointed Janet Napolitano (then the Dem Gov of AZ) to homeland security we ended up with Brewer and SB1070. It. Was. Awful.