
I hear Immigration & Customs Enforcement is hiring.

They also have the cool old record players that were housed in big ole cabinets, get one of those!

Aveno makes an extra strong moisturizer for babies that you might try. It’s super gentle and worked wonders for the kiddos eczema.

My town has made a concerted effort to plant things pollinators like in public spaces, at local schools, etc. This summer has been full of butterflies, it’s pretty amazing.

Sorry to be that person, but it came from the DCCC not the DNC, they’re different organizations.

His voting record tells another story.

“There are, however, a lot of progressive women who prioritize abortion rights and that voting bloc is crucial to turning out votes to take back Congress.”

My pleasure! Another good idea I’ve seen is write a sorry I missed you note on a bunch of lit (the brochure you leave with folks or in the door jam when they’re not home) so they know that you, the candidate, stopped by. And just a heads up, it’s illegal to leave stuff in mailboxes (you wouldn’t believe how often it

Thank you for that! ❤️💛💚💙💜

I should compromise on my autonomy and humanity? Seriously?

If it’s your cup of tea you might look at non-partisan races, school boards and city councils, progressives often have a better shot because those races are really about the issues. You may even think about running for something one day.....

Pro-choice, democratic women. Not pro-choice women of other parties. Though they may be rethinking that at this moment.

I don’t demand a perfect candidate, I want one who recognizes that myself, and the majority of the Democratic party are human beings entitled to the same rights as other human beings. Some things are non-negotiable (such as our humanity).

They are willing to sacrifice women’s lives, disproportionately poor women and women of color to win. That’s it Dems, I give up.

Working on it.

Amen. Also, people like you who live in those deep red districts, who more often than not don’t have a viable win to work for and still keep at it, you all are an inspiration. Keep fighting the good fight.

They’re shutting down the camps (thank god), but we can nominate Sheriff Joe to break it all down and clean it all up maybe?

I live in AZ, in an area with highly contested seats at all levels of gov’t. No anti-choice candidate will ever get my time, access to my network, or my help. Ever. They may stand a better chance of winning, but I’d rather go down with the ship on this one. And I can assure you, I’m not the only one who feels this

The data shows that for every 15 doors knocked you pick up one new vote. That’s even higher when it’s the candidate on the door. For phones it’s as best as 1 vote for every 30-50 calls and there is very scant data on anything else. Knocking on doors is the most efficient way to win a local office. Every. Single. Time.

You’re conflating campaigning and governing. They are two different animals and should be treated as such.