
Yeah, it’ll be a thing when we don’t go for Easter. However, better the upset phone call than a(nother) ugly ugly scene.

My MIL is an unhinged lunatic and it would create a bad situation. Instead I do things like post articles on his FB about the GOP screwing us out of health insurance.

I’m really really really trying to resist calling my super conservative Trump voting in laws and screaming at them that their votes put their son (skin cancer) and grandson (asthma) in very real danger and they can fuck right off.


It’s also about building a bench, people are going to work and volunteer on her campaign that wouldn’t do it for other candidates. This teaches them how to run a campaign, how to talk to voters, fund-raise. It’s puts new people in the room. People who might run for city, county, and state gov’t.

Run. fast.

It also sets an example for other districts and encourages people who might be on the fence to jump into races where it’s hard to recruit candidates.

For what it’s worth voting is a habit and once you begin voting you are much more likely to continue voting. Signed someone who lives in a town with 75% voter turnout and a freakishly active population.

Mine has a severe cat allergy, and cat dander is everywhere, I feel you on the hamster ball thing.

Thank you! I have been actively working to cultivate relationships with teachers at the school, it’s always been a huge benefit to have those lines of communication open and we’re in a fairly small community so it’s easy to do. Teachers I love, other parents, the verdict is still out....

My oldest is going to middle school next year. Moreover he’s going from a very diverse neighborhood public school to a very small not so diverse middle/high charter school (this is a rare charter that will actually be better able to meet the needs presented by his learning disability). I am more than a little scared.

This was great, my kid is leaving his wonderful, diverse, public, title 1 school next year for a much fancier charter middle school (for reasons that I agonized over). I am terrified to find out what the other parents will be like.

A mother I knew suggested I treat my kiddos very very serious, like yearly hospitalizations now takes 3 daily medications serious asthma with unpasteurized honey. Honey. We didn’t do anymore playdates after that, I cannot abide stupid (and I doubt she vaccinated her kids). 

Politician gets drunk, cheats on wife. In other news, sky still blue, water still wet.

It will kill you in politics, so so much happens at drinks/dinners/lunches. Also, do the other side not have booze at their fundraisers? Or does he never go to one w/o his wife? I can’t for the life of me see how that works.

Perspective, it’s important. (Also, AMEN)

Not in this house!

My kids LOVE Johnny Cash. Also, Pink Floyd.

It’s from Obama’s last WH Corespondent’s dinner, if you haven’t seen the whole video go watch it.