
Is it fair to say that, in addition to all the reasons you name in your article for why Jay Z and Kanye are great, the fact that they cross racial lines is also a factor? I feel like TI is more well known in the black community, while Jay and Kanye have huge followings among non blacks.

I am so frustrated with this! I just had a conversation with a white colleague of mine why “all lives matter” don’t make sense. She kept saying black lives are not special, why must they get special protection. I cited all the research and data I could find to show her that there is disproportionate killings of blacks

that last line got me hehehehehehehehehehe. 

The internet really needs to have at least 5 prompts that asks you “Do you really want to publish this?” Or “Are you sure you want to publish this?” Because people really be forgetting that there are repercussions for everything you do online. Lol. Natasha the Snitch...

SMDH. I want Steve to provide a list of his employees. How much does he pay them? How many are black people? How is he, apart from talking the talk, empowering and providing opportunities to black people? Two kinds of people I detest and cannot converse with, those who sprout “black on black crime” theories and those

That first video! Between the air quotes every other word, and the fact that the dude said he is just 33 years old...I couldn’t finish watching it. Not to mention the absolute nonsense that was coming out of his mouth. This makes me sad.

Gosh...this I agree with! Once I was onwork travel with a white co-worker to a predominantly Muslim country. We decided to go visit their markets and this lady came out of her room in a strapless top and shorts...talking about it was too hot to wear anything else. She refused to change even after being told it was not

I wonder where Dr. Umar Johnson falls on this list. I expected him to be mentioned in number 6.

I currently have a combination of the office gossip and the kinda-racist in one co-worker. I have heard it all from her. Listening to her always leaves me amazed

Another day... another mess. It’s said that I have become so numb to stories like this.