
I agree. As distasteful as it is, Trump has made this campaign one of personality over issues, and Clinton does not have a forceful enough platform to drag things back to saner waters. She needs to survive this possible indictment and then ignore her instinct to double down on secrecy and her own spin. If I were her,

Then perhaps you and Hillary’s other supporters should be looking for a way to bring Bernie’s supporters into the fold as opposed to telling them to fuck off.

Though Bernie is flawed, I don’t think that photograph from the 60s means he’s a civil rights leader, but more of his constituency with his ideals. Thats why bernie has gained such a following. He’s a had strong moral compass despite being in politics for 25+ years. Even though it may sway at times he’s consistent and

Hillary Clinton represents a problem that nobody in DC will even acknowledge, much less move to reform. Donald Trump represents a clusterfuck of epic proportions and almost everyone acknowledges it..

It is tiring to see so many white supporters of Clinton on here ignore WOC that support Bernie. I am not a Bernie fan, but this election has been so bizarre in which they keep on calling out white Bernie supporters, yet they are acting like they are not white.

I agree 100%. Hillary is going to get the nomination and instead of attacking Bernie supporters it will be better to try and convince them to vote for Hillary. Obviously by attacking them it is going to turn them off your candidate, people on here say they no longer support Bernie because of his supporters. That

There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I

xoJane is completely bonkers now. Every other article is bizarre clickbait-y weirdness. And people think Jezebel has drama, but xoJane’s comments sections takes it to the next level.

I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just

I would not be so rapidly dismissive. This is what her campaign is doing to an extent and it is a mistake that will haunt her. The biggest gripe about Hillary is the elite politician stuff. Brutally dismissing potential votes as “stupid” or “bigoted” plays straight into that.

I just mentioned in another comment how there will be a group of equally qualified candidates for each cabinet role. Women will be among these candidates. Statistically you can choose all men or all women to fill each of these roles, and according to their resumes and past accomplishments, they will all be likely to

But you know as well as I do that when people disregard “race, sex, or any other consideration” they hire white men. That’s what that language means. That’s what you’ve absorbed, whether you want to admit it or not. That’s how you fully justify all white male cabinets, boards, workplaces. That’s how you justify sexism

Gizmodo’s Kate Knibbs did move to Canada when Bush was elected. She wrote a primer on how to do so, and it’s not easy!

Like how we did after 2008. The Obama v Clinton primary wasn’t tame. Clinton repeatedly said Obama lacked the experience to lead—cautioned us that it would be that guy answering the phone at 3 AM when the nation is in crisis. Said she was sticking around in the primaries, just in case someone gets assassinated.

I hope Biden, in a welcoming gesture/passing of the torch, has new VP Castro come to DE and join him for a train ride and some coffee. They’ll stop at Joe’s favorite café (Wawa), kiss some babies, shake hands with the locals, do donuts in Joe’s Corvette—just really prepare Castro to take over under President Clinton.

heh, what woman makes another woman her VP? Am I right?

I think Obama + Biden is one of the things I will miss most in 2017...

This is relevant.

I just can’t wait for someone to suggest that on live TV, so we can all work on a meme explaining menopause to them...