
I thought it was an amazing act of activism but a terrible example of performance art. The issue here is that Emma does not want to be an activist. She wants to be a mainstream “avant garde/ it’s always all a poorly thought out poorly realized scam” artist. Like many young SHRNs, she’s going to be led astray by

It’s like if people in a sitcom world spoke like normal people. The plots and arcs are straight out of a sitcom, but they curse and have panic attacks, they make mistakes that don’t constitute wacky hijinks. There are plenty of contrived situations, but they react much more normally.

He basically knowingly tanked his career just so he could be king of his friends in Minneapolis. I hope being able to pull shit like this was better than millions of dollars.

My sister used to refuse to eat a meal where they different components touched on the plate and in many instances would freak out if she was served multiple components at the same time. She used to insist on using several little plates, served in courses. She’s fucking rich now and frequently plans amazing tasting

My headcannon had to step up its game to deal with this. My brain justifies it with the idea that Infinity Gems are more powerful when they’ve recently been used, moreover when they are specifically used as tools of fate.

Okay, so, I started reading the coverage this story out of morbid curiosity, as you do, but then I had sudden realization that most of the coverage is dropping the most important aspect of the story. For so many kids, the school cafeteria is the only place they get food. At least it looks like Michael Herrell isn’t

She looks exactly the same as when I met her in like 1994 at an All That kids concert thing.

Someone elsewhere mentioned that it would even be better if they were all facing him, as to suggest he drew them himself as a “I’m in prison” joke.

I think it’s the difference between style tribute and appropriation that sort of defines the line between monetizing icon status and being ghoulish. Marilyn Monroe provides all kinds of case studies on this. No one would bat an eye at a Marilyn Monroe branded make-up line, but at the same time, her image is definitely

I never understand it when people actually articulate that line of thinking and don't hear the fundamental flaw, even if you were to accept for the sake of argument that she deserves more than fast food workers. The logical next step after raising minimum wage to $15 is raising the salaries of people currently making

The stupidest part is that J. Crew has a label that is perfect for Jenna Lyons’ style. It’s just not J. Crew! It’s Madewell! The company pushed too many of their core customers towards J. Crew Outlet and straight up lost them based on the quality. J. Crew is supposed to be like if Banana Republic had Ann Taylor’s

The doctor probably told her she couldn't have casein. Most people who are lactose intolerant can have hard cheeses because the lactose is rendered out in the cheesemaking process. If your dairy allergy is to casein, you can't have dairy of any kind (even lactose free).

The letter writer mentions that his friend is "objectively" less attractive than the girlfriend. He mentions this as a reason that the girlfriend shouldn't be upset, but that fundamentally misunderstands the underlying reasons why "less attractive" women are commonly bullied. Remember Lindy West's cyber stalker? He

Didn't Jake make a point about Huck being extra crazy a few episodes ago? I think he said something to the effect of "They did everything they did to him to me and even I have never seen anything like that." I'm sure that we haven't seen the worst of the mistakes, but that being said, Huck is consistently more

Kathy Griffin isn't always right, but I think at this point in her career it is fair to say that she is an example of an "asshole style" comic that generally stays on the right side of history. Part of the reason her Bravo renaissance worked is that she totally understands that there are people who like "hate

I really wish they would go through all of the comments and pull the best stories instead of just picking the most commented on ones. The obvious fakes tend to be the most discussed because everyone jumps in to call it out. Even if you're just going to pick the most popular ones, maybe, just maybe, the editor should

We had been dating casually for about a year. I considered him a part of my life, but never even mentioned him to anyone. To put it in context, not only were we not "facebook official"... we were not even facebook friends. My student visa was up and about a week before I was set to leave for good, he surprised me with

It works because his character is also a disgusting human being.

They just so boring.

I always thought that term specifically meant Mexican-American and from California or Texas.