“Relatively small bear” is a mama bear with her cubs, and is relatively large enough to seriously fuck up a human.
“Relatively small bear” is a mama bear with her cubs, and is relatively large enough to seriously fuck up a human.
There should be a whole article on those who use mid-grade (89 octane). Literally nobody uses that. We need to understand these people.
Even the article image shows that button new and shiny.
Can you camp out at a gas station, and interview the first person who uses 89 octane?
“Excuse my naiveté, but I thought we had all agreed the answer was maybe yes years ago.”
Somewhere along the way the term ‘luxury’ got confused with ‘expensive’.
This is a very simplistic view of it. It is Hamas, not the average Palestinian, who is inciting the violence that forces Israel to defend itself. I don’t support Israel killing people - I do support them protecting their own people from Hamas rockets. This, unfortunately, leads to the deaths of innocents because Hamas…
I have a 1994 540i. Mine isnt slammed but whenever I need to get it on a flatbed the chain always rips the front bumper. Its a bimmer so it is always going to be leaking some sort of liquid somewhere but haven’t had any major issues yet. And yes, that glorious engine noise!
He’s not “hoarding” wealth. He created it. He founded what under his leadership became one of the largest software empires in history and a little thing called Windows which runs the vast majority of desktop computers. (Among other things.)
And unlike a lot of very rich people, he created a huge non-profit foundation…
Is the rule now that you are just as bad as the worst person you've ever met or been acquainted with? This whole "THIS PERSON SPENT TIME IN EPSTEIN'S PRESENCE, OMG WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT!" Is pretty dumb and I bet nobody would like if they were judged by the worst person they've ever met...
It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.
It’s very nice, but he could have literally done ANYTHING, and he chose this.
So if you state some bullshit in the form of a question then it’s not libel? Got it.
This is why I don’t like carpooling.
Pretty sure she’s not the kind of person you can easily hide in plain sight.
... or Sabretooth
Yeahbut he pronounces it “Wolvereyene” (long “i”) because he’s sophisticated like that.
And Scott Stapp as Wolverine!!
Homeless man’s Hugh Jackman.
WalMart Wolverine
Dollar Tree Wolverine got no game.
Even black emits light.