
As well as the now-traditional cut to 2015 as the first permanent asteroid settlement on Ceres is founded.

Season 4 ends with the first birth on Mars, Jimmy Epstein, great-grandfather of Soloman Epstein, inventor of the Epstein Drive.

Also, I’m going to continue to hold in my head my personal theory that this is all eventually going to be revealed as a stealth prequel to The Expanse.

Calling Yellowstone “Succession but outside” is solid.

My brother in Christ, are you ok?

Good article. Personally, I like Apple’s closed system. I image StrawHat is furiously typing their hot take even now. Never have I seen someone so obsessed with hating Apple. It borders on pathological.

RDRE, generates thrust with detonation, in which a supersonic exothermic front accelerates to produce thrust, much the same way a shockwave travels through the atmosphere after something like TNT explodes

To the opposite side of the country that you were landing in, yes!

“Enjoy the show Mr. Giuliani.”

Did this plan really “backfire” or did it work as Musk planned?

Meta’s rules are too exact. In specifying not posting about sales of guns or ammo, they are basically saying everything not a gun or ammo is ok. So technically, some of those examples above are actually playing by the rules. And that’s entirely on Meta. It’s almost as if they wanted to be seen doing something, but


before the comments section goes completely stupid I need to point out that we have no way to measure the difference between “Real Consciousness” and “Artificial Consciousness”.

And? Do you think Robert Englund should be indicted on child murder charges because he wears a funny glove onscreen?

Journalists are failing this country and our democracy. The framing by Rolling Stone is completely irresponsible. Simply parroting what you have been told by officials is not reporting. That is PR.

Well sooooooorry that we’re not all marathon runners...

Perhaps that’s what he was counting on

Smart on him. The negotiations are going to be interesting.

A member of Trump’s administration has an implicitly white nationalist ideology? I’m shocked.

I don’t know what all the naysaying is about. This is a perfectly cromulent, entry-level Bane mask.