
We’re not in conflict with the ChiComs? So all that South China bullshit regarding islands and international rights of navigation is just silliness? 

What makes her a hero or rather a heroine? Did she run into burning building and rescue a baby or something?

Wrong. She was ChiCom that would have needed to be shot down eventually anyhow. She just saved us the AIM-7 we’d have used to do it.

Exactly why climate change hoopla is bogus— there’s a fundamental problem with how the results are being interpreted. To wit, they are entirely made up.

You forgot to mention the GOP. That wasn’t intentional, was it?

You forgot ageist, you temporalist. I hate you now!

The smarter thing would be for these minority writers to ghost write using a white man’s name, thus solving all the writing world’s problems in one fell swoop.

Any time someone says “If anyone was offended, I apologize,” that’s not an apology at all— it’s a cop out that places the blame for being offended on the person listening.

She pretty much looks like a triggerfish.

If you see the whole video, there is a flash coming from the right engine as the pilots flies over the water at low level. What the cause of that flash is is unknown— whether it’s an engine problem that is caused by pulling too much power or is just a bad mechanical coincidence that happens just as the pilots is

Actually, the most common stall in a helicopter is settling with power or vortex ring state. In that condition you begin to settle in your own downwash and increasing power only exacerbates the problem. It’s relatively easy to get into if you aren’t paying attention, but on the flip side, it’s easy to get out of as

You are correct, sir!

The cockpit-over-the-wing design severely reduces the visibility of the pilot for the airspace under the aircraft.

It appears the load began to twist/swing, possibly because there was no drogue on the aft end. As the ‘Hook picked up speed, it seems the load became aerodynamically unstable and they punched it off. Or the pilot at the controls accidentally pressed the jettison button...

That car looks rather salmon colored rather than orange. If it actually is that fishy hue, that’s gotta be the butt-ugliest paint job ever.

It worked for Hillary...

Your grandfather was dunking on 16 year olds back in the day?! He must have been like a proto-Cousy or something!

Sorry, but the Hind is an awful helicopter as helicopters go. In a crash the doghouse gets chopped off, it doesn’t hover well, and the gunner position is seemingly designed to make the gunner violently sick due to the sideways sitting position. There is an old story of a Cobra and a Hind paralleling each other across